Chapter 12:Found you Father

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Author Note:In this Chapter you will be finding out more about the Salvatore's Past and why Abagail doesn't want to be with her father alone.

The Next Morning 

Abagail's POV:

I woke up in Kol's arms as his face was on my boobs protecting them, i got up Putting his head on my pillow as he snuggled into it, i went into mine and Kol's closet and pulled out one of his Hoodies and my pair of leggings and shoved them on since i already had a top on plus if i was meeting my father then i had to make sure everything was covered since he never liked me showing anything, i walked down the stairs and saw Damon and Stefan were the only two awake well i mean two but i really mean that the rest of the mystic fall gang woke up earlier and left

"Morning little sister are you ready to go and see mum"Damon said to me as we walked out of the house and over to Damon car 

"Yeah i'm ready let's do this just if any of you leave me alone with him i will cut off your balls"I said to them as i got in the back seat of the car since Stefan took the passenger side of the car 

We drove to our house and saw that Lily was waiting outside for us, we pulled up and got out of the car and walked into the house

"I did a locator spell using my blood since i am married to the guy and he is at the grill looking for us"Lily said to us 

Damon walked to go back out of the door but was stopped by Stefan standing in front of him 

"Damon don't you think it would be best if me and Mother went and brought him here while you stayed here with our little sister who is scared of our father"Stefan said as he and Damon looked at me 

"Fine but if he comes anywhere near her i swear i will rip his head off"Damon said as Stefan and Lily left, Damon came over to me pulling me into his arms hugging me tight

"Don't worry little sister he won't get his hands on you i promise you that!"Damon said 

"Damon i'm scared if he finds out that i'm pregnant with an Original Vampire's baby Damon he will Kill me"I said crying in to Damon Chest

"Hey Listen to me Abagail if anything goes wrong run to my room lock the door and i will call Kol and get him to get his ass here to take you away from Mystic falls while we get rid of our father for you and my niece or nephew whatever your having"Damon said  

we sat down on the couch talking about what's gonna happen when the baby is born is it going to be staying here with Stefan and Damon are or at the Manor where the originals are

"I don't know Damon i really don't know me and Kol need to discuss that after this"I said to him as his phone went 

When Damon was on the phone to god knows who i went into the kitchen and made my self a sandwich and a glass of orange juice since i was hungry, once i made my sandwich i poured some orange juice into a glass and drank it as i did i saw Damon walking into the room with Stefan behind him

"Everything okay"I said to them 

"Yeah just Father is here and he is in the living room on the couch we didn't snap his neck as he was willingly to come with us"Stefan said 

"So what now"I said 

"We go in there and see our father the one that was a dick to us"Damon said 

We walked into the living room and saw our dear father sitting there with mom on the other side of the couch starring at him, as soon as we walked in Father and Mother looked at us and Father was shocked to see how much of a grown women i have become

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