Chapter 8

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Previously on The Salvatore Sister 

"Stefan It's Mason Lockwood car he has found us, we have to call Damon"i said to him as Caroline and Bonnie were looking at the car then back at us.  

The Story 

Abagail POV:

I got back in the car with Stefan as he drove out of the parking lot with Caroline and Bonnie following us, i took the time to call Damon and put him on loud speaker even though Stefan could hear him but i didn't want to hold it up to my ear, it rang for like 2 rings then he picked up 

Phone Covo:


Abagail:Damon he found us Mason Lockwood found us 

Damon:Whoa Abs calm down here i'm putting you on loud speaker since the humans are here

Matt:Abs are you hurt or anything and how did you know it was Mason

Stefan:Matt she's fine and Damon his car was at the parking lot we were at which means he followed us 

Damon:Alright you guys get your butts back here now if Mason is there then he will follow you to Mystic Falls where we will be waiting

Abagail:Oh god Stefan pull over i'm gonna be sick

The minute Stefan pulled over i got out of the car and was sick in the nearest bush that was there, after i was done i got back in the car as Stefan drove off again with the girls still following us, we didn't even bring well we did bring clothes with us but Bonnie has Magic-ed up our bags to Caroline's car.

Kol:Abs are you okay 

Abagail:Yeah i'm fine just morning Sickness Damon when we arrive make sure there is a blanket and a bin beside the couch for me 

Damon:Of course Abs whatever you need

Stefan:Bonnie texted me saying that the exact same car is right behind them and they aren't lying

Abagail:What oh my god can Caroline hear me well us since she is in the other car with Bonnie

Caroline:Abs i can hear you just try to lose him Stefan there is a only you can turn left and right up ahead Stefan take the left i will take the right okay and if we get lost Bonnie can do a tracker spell to locate you both so that we can get back on the right track

Damon:Blondie is right, Abs don't worry you will be fine 

Abagail:Just you guys better have a plan 

Elena:We do don't worry about it can't have you stressing out right now

Abagail:Your right and Stefan make the left turn now, Caroline go right now and see who he goes for

We took the left as Caroline took the right road, as i saw Mason car stop as he went our way oh no 

Abagail:Stefan he's after us he came our way what do we do now

Stefan:Damon any ideas cause i'm all out of them

Damon:Okay how far are you away from Mystic Falls

Stefan:Um about 3 hours away from town why does that have to do with anything

Damon:Pull over 

Kol, Matt, Rebekah, Elijah, Abagail, Stefan, Jeremy and Tyler:What

Abagail:We do that Damon and we get killed by Mason Lockwood you know Werewolf 

Damon:I know just trust me on this just pull over Stefan

Rebekah:Stefan don't think about you niece/Nephew and your sister Keep driving don't stop 

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