Chapter 10

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Author Note: Just to warn you this is a very long chapter and please don't hate me 

Abagail POV:

I woke up and looked up and saw Kol sleeping figure, i looked around the room and saw that it was still day time, i saw Rebekah, Elijah and Niklaus all sitting in the living room Rebekah was painting her nails, Niklaus and Elijah were reading spell books i don't really know why, i tried to sit up but Kol wasn't letting me you know even when he is sleeping he can still be protective over me and our baby 

"Good afternoon Abagail"I heard Elijah say as i looked at him and saw them all staring at me 

"Good afternoon everyone how long was i asleep for"I said to them

"Not long about 2 hours i would say also your phone went off and it was Damon, i answered it and he was not a happy bunny let's say that and you have to call him back"Rebekah said to me as she handed me my phone

"Okay i will call him when i get up from Kol's embrace which could take a while"I said to them

"Yep your not getting up easily and why don't you phone him the now instead of getting up i mean we are all Vampire's here"Klaus said looking up from his book 

"Yeah better doing that"I said as i unlocked my phone and looked through my contact for Damon name and clicked on the call bottom and put the phone to my ear 

Phone Covo:

Damon: Hello

Abagail: Damon it's me

Damon: Abs thank god it's you i thought it was Rebekah again but it's not

Rebekah: I can hear you Damon

Damon: Nice to hear your voice Barbie Klaus

Klaus: Love the nickname Damon it suit's her

Damon: I know it does Annoying Hybrid is Elijah there 

Abagail: Why yes he is Damon why what's his nickname

Damon: Original Brother and Kol is Brother Original

Abagail: Damon why did you call me Rebekah said you were angry well you weren't a happy bunny why is that big brother

Damon: Mum showed up and she wants to be part of our life's again and she said that she spoke to you and you said that you would have her in your life why Abs we are so much better off without her 

Abagail: Damon she is our mother, i know she made a big mistake leaving us with Father but come on Damon she is trying so hard here at least give her a chance and if she screws it up then that's it she will be out of our life's for good 

Damon: Fine one chance and that's it no more second chances

Abagail: Okay thank you Damon i will text her and let her know also she is moving into the boarding house with us

Damon: Fine you know the reason why i'm agreeing to this is because of you Abs and Stefan since i'm being the big protective brothers and to make sure that history doesn't repeat itself Abs 

Abagail: Aw your so sweet Damon i love you too right well i'm gonna go tell Stefan i love him too bye Damon see you tomorrow 

Damon: Bye baby sis be safe and make sure you feed my niece or nephew and we love you more 

Phone Covo End

I hanged up the phone and placed my phone on the table behind my head and looked back at Kol and saw that he was awake and staring at me and his hand was still on my belly bump,

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