Chapter 18

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AN:i know the picture has nothing to do with the stories but i just loved that episode.

The Next Morning

Abagail's POV:

I woke up to hearing voices in the kitchen and they both sounded like Damon and Stefan, i got up and vamp speed down to the kitchen to find both my brothers with Caroline and Elena standing there beside them, they looked at me as i stood as the kitchen door

"We will give you two some space to talk things through"Caroline said as her Damon and Elena left the kitchen

I walked towards the kitchen counter since that's where Stefan was and stood across from him as he was looking at me

"Why why do you have to go"He said

"Stefan i have to it's best for the baby"I Said

"But what's best for you Abagail your my twin sister we have never been separated it's always us against everyone else but that's changed, i'm sorry Abagail but if you want to go then go but don't expect me to be here when you visit"Stefan explained to her

"What Stefan it's always gonna be us against the world and i'm still gonna be your twin sister nothing will change that, but i'm going with or without your permission"I said to him

"Why now why not when the baby is about 1 year old so we can spend more time with it but no when Kol makes a decision you follow it cause your scared to say no and now your leaving with not one original but all of them do you know how upset me and Damon are right now we are putting on a brave face because Elena and Caroline said that if we show our emotions then it's gonna make you stay here but your going anyways so doesn't matter now"Stefan explained as he walked out without letting me say anything

"Stefan wait"I shouted after him as i walked after him

He stopped at the living room as we did we saw the originals, Damon, Elena, Caroline and the rest of the Mystic Falls Gang all sitting there looking at us

"Have you guys talked it out yet"Bonnie asked

"Yeah we have she's leaving with Kol and the Originals tonight good bye Abagail have a nice life"Stefan said turning to me as he was about to walk out of the front door when Damon stood in front of it stopping him

"Sorry little brother but you have to talk this out with all of us here since you couldn't do it in the kitchen now talk"Damon said as Stefan turned and faced me

Little Sister say what you were gonna say before Stefan walked out"Damon said to me as he stood beside the door leaning on it

"Stefan what you said in the kitchen about you and Damon not showing your emotions because of Elena and Caroline is that true"I asked him as he nodded and so did Damon

"You both don't need to hide your emotions from me, Kol is forcing me to go with i'm not scared of him either we just need a fresh start away from Mystic Falls with the baby plus Stefan is your so worried about me then come with me, i need my brother with me not my brother and sister in laws my brother no offence guys"I explained to him

"None taken Abs"Klaus replied

"Abs i don't want you to go not now and not ever i want my twin sister beside me forever and not leave me, your my twin sister abs no one else not Rebekah, Klaus, Elijah, Finn or Freya's Sister mine but i'm not gonna be here when you do go with Kol and his family and if you wanted a fresh start then why don't u and Kol just go with no siblings or anything"Stefan explained

Before i could reply Stefan was gone and Damon was now on the ground in pain and with a knife in his stomach, i walked over to Damon and pulled the knife out of him as he healed we both stared at each other then back at the open door we saw that Stefan car was gone as well as Stefan, We both stood up and looked at everyone

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