Chapter 30

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Abagail POV:

Selena has just left the boarding house and when she did that's when we started talking serious i mean Brandon was a vampire but none of the originals recognize him and they couldn't say anything because like i said he is a vampire and he has vampire hearing i mean i am happy for my daughter to find her true love but we have to find out who this Brandon guy is we know who is parents are just we have met the mother not the father so we know she is a vampire but we haven't met her husband she said her husband is a vampire as well but we aren't so sure which is why we have brought out the books and thinking back to Brandon mum name and finding out who her husband is.

This is gonna be a fun night for us.

Selena POV:

We had arrived at Brandon parents house and it has 3 floors to it and Brandon bedroom was at the top floor so we would have privacy up there, i got out of the car as Brandon did the same i locked the car as Brandon threw my bag again over his shoulders as we walked into his house and as we did i smelt food being made in the kitchen and i quickly looked at Brandon who was looking at me with an worry look on his face, we quickly ran to the kitchen to see Brandon and Monica dad Jason i think his name was, that's weird i didn't see his car outside but his face looked familiar he looked like my uncle Stefan and my uncle Stefan is hotter than Brandon dad is not that i'm falling for my uncle it's true though anyways Jason stopped cooking and looked over to me and Brandon smiling at us 

"Hey kids how was school"Jason asked us

"Hey dad and school was fine i have done my homework but i forgot my bag at Selena's house"Brandon replied back to his father

"Hi Selena glad to see you again how are you"Jason asked me 

"Hi Brandon Dad and i'm fine yourself"I replied 

"I'm fine thanks for asking Selena i will be leaving soon i'm just getting something to eat than i'm leaving your mother is at work the now then she is coming here and getting me then we will be out of your head"Jason said 

Brandon nodded as he took my hand in his and we walked up the stairs and trust me there were a lot of stairs, we reached his bedroom door as he opened the door i saw a big king size bed and his room was tidy i mean i was expecting to be a bit of clothes on the floor but i don't care, we walked into his room as he closed his door walking over to the bed placing my bag down on it then he turned and faced me.

"Well what do you wanna do we could do it right now then do it again tonight or we could watch a movie til Monica and Logan get here"Brandon said to me 

"Tonight since we have all night"I replied 

"Okay and i think Monica is here i hear her voice do you want to go back down or i will go down and see what they are doing"Brandon asked me

My phone rings.

"Sorry i will answer this then i will be down after it i promise"I said 

He nodded and left the room closing his bedroom behind him as i looked at my caller i.d i saw it was

Uncle Stefan 

I pressed the answer button.

Phone covo:

Selena:Hey uncle Stefan everything alright 

Stefan:Hey Selena i was wondering we all have met Brandon mother but not his father so we were wondering if you had met him

Selena:Yeah i have and he looks a lot like you Uncle Stefan but your more good looking than him

Stefan:Well thank you Selena now listen your on loudspeaker since we have your aunt Bonnie and Uncle Jeremy, Matt and Alaric here with us all 

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