Chapter 29

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Word Count:2876

12 Years Later

Selena POV:

Yes i'm finally 18 years old and i'm stuck like this forever also in those pasted years i went to school made friends and their names are Monica, Logan, Brandon and Me, they are super funny and fun to be around plus i'm dating Brandon but my parents don't know i'm planning on telling them tonight at dinner let's just hope they take it well. I got off my bed and got changed into this outfit.

(Pic is at Top.)

Once i was changed i picked up my bag and walked out of my bedroom closing it behind me then walking down the stairs to the kitchen to find my mom, dad, my aunts and my uncles all standing about the kitchen talking about the vampire hunters like come on they are dead and you guys are still talking about them oh and forgot to mention that after the drama of my mother losing the baby her and my father made up and now she is pregnant and it's a boy now i have to go as my family are looking at me.

"Morning honey sleep well"My mother asked me 

"Morning mom i slept fine yourself"I replied back to her as i walked over to the dinning table taking an apple and eating it while my uncle Damon poured me a cup full of blood 

"Yeah alright between your dad snoring and your baby brother kicking me all night i couldn't get to sleep"My mom said 

"Hey i don't snore"My father asked her 

"You were last night"My mother replied back to him 

I looked at my iPhone 6c and saw i had a text messaged from Brandon, i smiled a bit then opened his message, i looked up and saw that my uncle Damon had placed my cup of blood on the table beside me i picked it up and drank some from it before reading the text message my boyfriend had sent me.

To:My wonderful Girlfriend

From:Your Bae

Hey Gorgeous good morning i can't wait til tonight i will be gentle okay plus it's my first time as well so we are both losing it to one another i love you Selena Salvatore Mikaelson and can't wait to see you in school love you see you babe


I hit the reply button and wrote

To:My Bae

From:Your wonderful Girlfriend

Hey Handsome and good morning to you too also i can't wait either it's gonna be so much fun just my parents they want to meet you and how are we gonna do it if we can't be alone together and Love you too 


I hit the sent button and as i did i instantly got a reply back wow he was fast.

To:My wonderful Girlfriend

From:Your Bae

Selena listen everything will be find okay and my place will be free tonight so after meeting your family we can go to mine and do it there that's if you still want too babes i'm not forcing you into it i promise you i will make it special and romantic for you anyways speak more at school okay babes.


I didn't reply back, i finished drinking up my cup of blood and as i did i grabbed my bag and walked out to where my mom was sitting since i had my own car i can drive anywhere i want but i have to let my family know where i am going so if something happens they know where i am and who i am with, i walked up to my mum and kissed her on the cheek and hugged her she smiled and hugged me back then i was off my father, uncles and aunts i didn't need to say goodbye to them they already did say goodbye to me i just wasn't paying attention to them.

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