Chapter 33:Christmas Part 1.

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AN:I know it's not Christmas yet but i know that everyone will be busy with their family's so that's why i'm doing it the now anyways hope you guys enjoy it.

Word Count:2374

Selena POV:

It's Christmas well 1 days before Christmas Eve i went with my Mom and aunt Elena, Caroline, Bonnie and Rebekah to buy the boys their presents then we went off to do our own thing, we had all brought our own cars so we could put our Christmas presents in them, before i could get Brandon present my phone beep i pulled out my phone from my bag and saw it was a text from him i opened it and smiled at what he said 

To:My girl

From:Your boy

Hey Babes just wanted to check in with you and find out that what time are you planning on returning to me at i miss you like hell right now plus we have our wedding to plan please babe hurry up and return to me my sister and Logan are making me jealous they are kissing on the couch right now anyways give me a text back when you can i love you babes


I smiled and hit reply button 

To:My boy

From:Your girl

Hey baby i'm coming home at seven o'clock i'm nearly done with Christmas shopping i just have to do you, your mom, Logan and Monica then i will be heading to Caroline's house her mom said i could put my presents in there as long as i place them in the loft so no one would expect they are up there anyways if they are making you jealous you can always vamp speed to where i am and help me pick out a present for your mom, Logan and Monica and love you too baby 


I sent the text and before i knew it i was dragged to the back of the shop where no one goes since there is nothing there apart from empty boxes, i looked at the person and saw that it was.

"Brandon"I said 

"Hey Babes"He replied

"What are you doing here"I asked him 

"You said to come plus i vamp speed to the shop when i sent you that text"He explained

"What am i gonna do with you"I said 

"Nothing now let's go and get something for my mom, sister and her boyfriend"Brandon said as he took my hand in his and we walked back to the aisle i was in and started looking for a Christmas present for Monica and his mother then we would go on to Logan 

Half an hour later

We finally found Monica and Jessie a present's for Christmas now we were onto Logan so we got him aftershave and a box of chocolates, we walked to the check outs and there i saw my aunts waiting outside my aunt Elena was on the phone and by the look of their faces it didn't look good, once i paid for the stuff Brandon helped me take it outside to my car, when we got outside we walked over to my car and put all of the stuff in the boot of my car i turned and faced him

"Are you coming with me to Sheriff Forbes house so i can put these present there"I asked him 

"Yeah i am then we are going home and starting my early Christmas present i have planned for us"Brandon replied 

"Oh really well i can't wait for tomorrow because i have a surprise for you and my family that you are all gonna love"I said as i got into my car 

He got into the passenger side of the car as i pulled out of the parking spot i was in and drove away waving goodbye to my aunts.

20 minutes later

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