Chapter 7

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Author Note:i'm going to try it in a story mode and see how it goes and let me know what you think about it in a script form or story form.

The Next Morning 

Stefan's POV: 

I woke up to the door going, i got up and sensed who it was but it wasn't Damon or any of them originals it was someone else someone who i can't seemed to sense but anyways, i opened the door and found out that it was just our next door neighbors, i give her a warm smile which she gladly returned

"Hi sorry to wake you up but, i noticed you arrive here last night and i wanted to come and bring you guys a welcome to the neighborhood gift"She said handing me the basket fulled of sweets, and flowers for the girls

"Why thank you i will make sure my sister and our friends get them and you are"i said to her confused as i didn't know her name 

"Oh my name is Marie i live just next door to you and i have to go kids to pick up well see ya"She said as she walked down the path and into her car and drove away from the house, that name sounds very familiar to me Marie hm

I came in and shut the door behind me putting the Basket on the kitchen counter and saw Abagail sitting there with her phone in her hand just staring at it as if waiting for it to go off, i walked over to her and sat down beside her putting my arm on her shoulder as she looked at me 

"Hey sis you alright"I said to her as she smiled at me 

"Yeah i'm fine just missing Kol and i know it's only been one night but i still miss him"she said to me as i smiled back at her

Just like that her phone went off well more like ringing, i looked at the phone screen and saw Kol's name pop up as she answered the call i went to un wrap the basket.

Abagail POV:

Phone Covo

Abs: Hey Handsome

Kol: Hey gorgeous i miss you 

Abs: I miss you too how is everything 

Kol: Yeah everything it's fine how's you and our baby 

Abs: We're fine please tell me when you guys are done with Mason Lockwood cause i think our baby knows that we aren't with it's father

Kol: It will be soon love i promise you that and Damon wants me to tell you that he misses you and Stefan just when you get back he might not let you leave his sight

Abs: Tell him i miss him too and that if that's gonna happen then is he gonna come into the bathroom with me while i'm showering or doing the toilet

I heard Stefan laughing as he was done un wrapping the gift we got from our neighbor and i know Kol heard him 

Kol: You know that's my job watching you Shower plus if he did watch you i would kill him you know i would

Abs: Yeah i know you would and i better go since Caroline and Bonnie have woken up and we are going wedding dress shopping the now and Stefan is coming with us since he is giving me away oh and don't tell Elena that we are or Rebekah since they will kills us and we can't have that now can we

Kol: Okay i won't but make sure to send me a pic of it before you show them so i can judge it every dress you try on send me it and i will show it to Rebekah since she is here right now giving me the death glare also i will text you the rest since you never know who is listening right 

Abs: Yeah Hi Rebekah i miss you 

Rebekah: Hi Abs miss you too and remember pick the dress that you like that screams the one and send one to me and Elena oh and Damon since he is the brother of you and want stop annoying us, just please get your ass back here so Kol can stop moping i swear him and Elijah are exactly alike i'm telling you 

Abs: Yeah i know they are and i will Rebekah i have to go now but i will text you the pics on Kol's phone and he can show you them Rebekah alright bye love you 

Kol: Bye darling love you too 

We hanged up the phone as i looked at Stefan, Caroline and Bonnie who were looking at me with an go and get ready look since they were all ready, gr i walked back up the stairs and went into my bedroom to find my clothes already layed out on the bed for me thank you Caroline.

I walked down the stairs once i was ready making sure my hair was up in a pony since i was going to try on dress and i had to look good, Caroline and Bonnie were waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs as Stefan was already in his car, i guess we are taking his car or maybe not if i knew Caroline she would make sure that we get in the car that us three picked and wanted to drive it so badly 

"Yay your ready now we can go into our yellow mini come one before Stefan drives away he knows where the place is and we don't so let's go"Caroline said as she grab the keys and walked out to the car getting in the front before i got into the Passenger side i heard Stefan shout on me, i turned around and looked at him 

"Come in here with me, i feel lonely"he said as he opened up the passenger side door for me 

"Care i'm going in Stefan car i will see you guys when we get there"I said to Caroline as i left the passenger side door open for Bonnie as she was locking the door behind us and i walked over to Stefan car and got in.

Once we were all ready Stefan drove out of the driveway with Caroline and Bonnie following behind us, It was 20 minutes before we go the place, it was a big wedding shop, We pulled in a parking space and got out with Caroline and Bonnie pulling in beside us, i looked over at the car park and saw a car that was familiar and that someone was in it that face was a face that i would never forget and i turned to Stefan and saw that he was looking at the same car i was

"Stefan It's Mason Lockwood car he has found us, we have to call Damon"i said to him as Caroline and Bonnie were looking at the car then back at us.

Dun Dun Dunnnnnn 

What gonna happen now 

Has Mason found them 



Find out in Chapter 8 

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