Chapter 15: Doomed?

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The footsteps stop right beside where I would have sitting. I hear them begin to converse about us.

"Shouldn't there be someone in this chair?", one of them said. As tears streamed down my face I glanced over at their feet. They were all still standing there, not leaving.

I reach behind me to scoot back and I feel something in the floor. I turn my head slightly and see a foot. The old man's foot. The old man that was shot. I quickly, but quietly covered my mouth before I could muster up a scream. Tears streaming down my face as I tried to hold back any noises that I could possibly make at this moment. A cry, a scream, a cough, a sneeze, anything that would let them know I was here.

I see Noah take a deep breath in and his mouth slowly opening. A sneeze. I quickly reach my hand out to him and I cover his mouth and shake my head. I look him in the eyes, tears streaming down both of our faces as he nods back at me and holds his breath.

I hear footsteps, desperately hoping that they are walking away. I looked over at their feet and I still saw one person standing there. Suddenly the feet disappeared and the seat above me slowly caves in on me. The man that could possibly bring my loved ones and I to our possible death, was sitting above my head.

I hear him typing something then I hear him on the phone.

-"Have you seen them yet?"

-"No, you?" Says the person on the other end.

-"They've gotta be here somewhere!" Screams my captor.

- "I'm talking to the captain now"

Then the talking stopped an I heard the phone shut. Then the captains voice came over the intercom. "Thse who are still with me.. We are now landing. Everyone still alive must get off as soon as I give the okay." He said, his voice squeaking.

I looked down and put my face in my hands. How will we get out? My poor family. Noah's poor family. Would they die today because of me? Would this be the last light of day that any of us would see? I don't know. I just don't know. We are doomed.

Suddenly, I feel Noah shift backwards. What is he doing? He kept scooting closer to the old man behind me until he was in that open aisle. No. He wasn't. He won't. He slowly began to stand up.


Hey guys! Finally started back on this one! Sorry it's been forever! I just didn't know how to continue!!! But I'm back!


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