chapter 2: Summer time

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It was the first day of Summer and Makenzie was stuck babysitting her little sister Lilly. This is waht Makenzie did almost every Summer besides working. Every Summer Makenzie would book her summers until the last day of summer, or the week before school started back. This summer she planned several jobs so she was busy almost EVERY day. She alternated jobs every week, one week it would be babysitting, the next week it would be house cleaning, and so on with a big list.

   "I wanna go to the park!" Lilly screamed from the living room with her little squeaky voice. Makenzie was in the kitchen making Lilly's lunch. "Too bad squirt! You gotta eat!" Makenzie laughed. Then she heard a knock at the front door. Makenzie turned off the stove and started walking down the hall. "Who is it?" she yelled in a singsongy voice. She heard someone reply but she couldn't hear through the movie that Lilly was watching in the living room. She approached the door wiping her hands on her rag. She slowly opened the door.

   At her door step stood a little girl with a cookie box. "Would you like some cookies?" the sweet little girl asked. Makenzie looked at the little girl and smiled. "Sure" Makenzie said smiling, "I would love some cookies, let me just ask my sister what kind she wants." Makenzie said leaving the door open and walking down the hall a little. She was about to yell for Lilly when she heard a car horn and a very familar voice. "Come on, Emily! I have football in a little bit!" he yelled.

     Makenzie stopped in her tracks, and almost fell to the floor. It was him. Her first crush. Her ONLY crush she had ever had. It was...Noah

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