Chapter 6: Found out

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When they finally arrived at the Hawaii airport, and got off their plane, everyone got in groups of two and found a car. Makenzie was going to get in with Lilly, but her mom took her at the last second. The same thing happened with Noah. So Noah and Makenzie ending up in the same car. When they finally got all of their luggage in the back on the car, got in, and began their ride to the condos, their long silence began.

When the were a couple blocks from the condos, Noah broke the silence. “Umm Makenzie? I have a question.” he said rather shyly. Makenzie looked up at him. “Yes?” she said in her usual quiet way. He sighed. “I have been wanting to ask you this since the last day of school. Why did you faint in the hallway?” he said with a hint of laughter. After he said that, the car pulled up to the condo, and Makenzie jumped out of the car as fast as she could, and ran to the condo door only to find out that it was locked.

She was out of places to run, there was no back door, it was just a bunch of condos connected to each other along almost the entire beach. She knew she couldn’t run from it anymore, she just put her back against the door, and slid down to the steps.

Noah joined her on the steps. There was a long silence. No one talked and no more moved from their spot. The silence was finally broken by Noah.

“Makenzie…” he muttered. She looked up a little bit, but refused to look directly at him. “Makenzie, I didn’t know you felt that way.” he said quietly.

Now she looked up and looked right at him. “I didn’t want you to know. That’s why I have never talked to you, and avoided you! You were always with your friends and I didn’t want to embarrass myself…” Makenzie practically yelled.

Noah looked away and looked down at his hands. Then, there was yet another long silence. They didn’t talk until their parents and siblings pulled up outside the condo. The siblings immediately ran out of the cab and into their older brother and sister’s laps. The silence was broken with, ‘I missed you’s and cheers from the little ones. Finally the moms got out of the car with their luggage.

“Ehem!” said Noah’s mom, “but we could use some help carrying all of the luggage in.” both of the moms said. All the kids stood up and walked to the car to carry as much as they could. When they were all unpacked, and the rooms where claimed, it was time for lunch.

Everyone took their seat around the table. Noah tried to sit by Makenzie, but Lilly ran as fast as she could to the seat. Once she beat Noah to the seat, she looked at him, stuck her tongue out at him, and leaned over and gave Makenzie a hug. Makenzie wrapped her arm around Lilly, and looked up and Noah and snickered.

Noah walked around to the other side of the table and sat by his sister, who leaned over to him and gave him a hug.

When the lunch was passed out and everyone began eating, the moms tried to start a conversation. “So how do you kids like the condo?” The little ones immediately answered that they did like it very much, while the Makenzie and Noah just simply nodded their heads and went on messing with their food.

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