Summer doesn't last forever

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  Makenzie was always a high spirited child, always happy and energetic…but as she grew up, and she met Noah, all her high spirits, happiness and energy just seemed to melt away… She would see Noah at school and it would be like she was frozen in time…She would stare at his big brown dreamy eyes and she would just be in her own little world….On her 16th birthday, when she blew out her candles, she wished for what she had since she met Noah. She wished that he would finally notice her.

    Chapter 1: Does he even know I'm here?

She approached him and his group. “H..h..hi N…nnn….Noah.” she says quietly. Noah turns around to see who was calling his name but looks right over Makenzie and doesn’t see her. He turns back around to his group of friends. Makenzie started walking away when she heard someone yell, “Hey chick!” they yelled. She turned around…. Noah’s group of friends were looking at her. Noah was looking straight at her with his dreamy brown eyes that made you feel like you were walking on clouds….and then….all went black for Makenzie…She started to think about what had just happened, ‘Was he just looking at me?’, ‘What was he thinking?’, ‘Was he thinking about me?’, ‘IS he thinking about me?’.

When she woke up, she was in Nurse Kathryn’s office. Nurse Kathryn was sitting in the corner reading a magazine. When Nurse Kathryn looked up and saw that Makenzie was awake, she grabbed a wet rag and held it to Makenzie’s head.

“You feeling better sweetheart?” Nurse Kathryn asked her in her usual sweet voice. Makenzie looked around the room and said “Ummm… Nurse Kathryn? How did I get in here in the first place?”.

“Well, that nice boy, Noah saw you faint so after you hit the floor he grabbed you and quickly rushed you in here” she said making sure another wet rag was near by since Makenzie was started to look a little shakey.

Makenzie felt like she was about to faint again. She sat there in the nurse’s office thinking about her in Noah’s arms, Noah rushing to pick her up, Noah gently sitting her down on the cot in the office. It gave her chills thinking about it.

“Sweetie, are you okay?” Nurse Kathryn asked questionably. Makenzie looked around the room again and began to smile. “Yes, Nurse Kathryn, I am” she said smiling.

Before letting Makenzie go Nurse Kathryn asked her why she fainted in the first place. Makenzie sat on the cot for a second thinking about an excuse. “Ummm…uhh….ummmm…welll…I…ummm..guess I,” She started. Nurse Kathryn eyed Makenzie. “Sweetie if it was that boy you can just say it.” Makenzie looked down at her feet and shifted in her seat. “Yes, it was Noah.”. Nurse Kathryn looked at Makenzie sympathecticly. There was a moment of silence, then the nurse finally spoke. "Sweetie, dont let boys get in your way, don't give your all to them because it will most likey end in heartbreak..."

   Nurse Kathryn had given her this advice on the last day of school...Before everything changed....
















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