chapter 5: The Airport

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Makenzie and her family had just gotten to the airport. They began walking up the stairs to go inside when her mom stopped them, when her mom stopped. “Ok, you guys stay here while I go get the tickets” Heather said walking away.

Makenzie made sure she had ahold of Lilly so she wouldn’t wander off like she usually tried to do. After she had ahold of Lilly, she walked over to the nearest bench. “I’m hungry!” Lilly exclaimed. Makenzie sighed and pulled one of the many snacks that they had packed for the plane ride out of her back-pack and gave it to Lilly.

While Lilly was munching on her mini doughnuts, Makenzie got out her phone and checked her messages. She had a missed called from an unknown number and a voicemail from that number. She went and listened to the message,

Hey Makenzie it’s Noah I just wanted to say I’m sorry for my friends last night. I hope you forgive me. I also wanted to tell you I can’t hang out with you this summer.. I’m going to Hawaii with my family. I’ll call ya later. Bye”

He wasn’t the one who had called her.. He didn’t know she was going away for the summer.. He didn’t know they were going to the same place for the whole summer.. Makenzie laid her head down in her lap and sighed.

“What’s wrong sissy??” asked Lilly with a mouth full of doughnuts. Makenzie sat up and looked over at Lilly and sighed again. “It’s nothing Lilly and chew with your mouth closed” she said giggling at the last part. She could always count on Lilly to bring her spirits up.

Just then her mom came back talking to some lady. As they got closer Makenzie saw who the lady was. It was Noah’s mom, Kathy.

Kathy walked up to Makenzie and hugged her. “OOO, I haven’t seen you in forever Makenzie! You’ve gotten so big and pretty!” Kathy said smiling. I couldn’t help but smile back. Kathy always knew the right things to say. “Guess what girls?” Heather said smiling. “Mrs.Kathy, Mr.Garret, Noah, and Emily are riding the same plane as us and are staying next door! How cool is that!!” Makenzie just stared. “Awesome” she said trying to be enthusiastic.

Her one summer that she thought she could get away from all the drama, the drama just followed.

Just then Noah walked up to his mom. “Hey mom they just called to board so I think we need to get going.” he said. He started to turn around and walk away, but he turned back around and did a double take. “Makenzie?” he asked questionably. Makenzie slightly looked up, tucked her blonde hair behind her ear, and attempted to smile. “Hi” she replied shyly. He walked closer to her. As he got closer, the parents walked away with Lilly.

When he got up to her, he whispered “Did you get my voicemail?” Makenzie took a couple steps back and said, “Yeah, I did”. He looked at her. “Makenzie I just wanted to let you know that that phone call from my friends last night…I wasn’t apart of it. I was downstairs getting our snacks, they had gotten your number, and called you and pretended I was there. I walked in in the middle of the conversation and told them to stop, but they wouldn’t. I just wanted to let you know. I didn’t want you to be mad at me.” he confessed. She looked up at him, and pushed her hair back again.

“I believe you…”she replied. Noah did a sigh of relief. He started to say something else when they heard the last call for their plane. Noah quickly grabbed Makenzie’s hand and ran inside to get on the plane. They made it just in time, because as soon as they stepped on the plane and put their stuff in the racks, and found their seats, the pilot came out saying that everyone needed to buckle up because they were about to take off. They were able to breathe a sigh of relief…



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