Chapter 4: Surprise??

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Hey my buds! I am not doing any more intros after this one! (unless it is important) Bye my lovlies!!


Makenzie was in her room holding her pillow up to her chest, and trying to forget about what Noah had said about her. She didn't know that Noah was as a big as a jerk as her had just been... She was in mid-thought when she heard her mom come inside.Her mom was one of those cool, young, gorgoues moms. Also at times, could be a loud mom...(Moms name is Heather)

         "My sweethearts!!! I'm home!! I have a surprise for my two lovlies.!!"Heather yelled down the hallway. Makenzie lifted her make-up ruined face off of her blue heart pillow. She started to stand up when she heard someone running down the hallway. The next thing she knew, Lilly and Heather came into her room and tackled her and started tickling her.

     "C'mon Kenzie! Why didn't you come see my surprise??" Heather asked. Makenzie looked up at her with her make-up stained face, hoping that would answer the question so she didn't have to go over any of it. Heather looked down at Makenzie, and then looked down at Lilly.

    "Hey Lil' can you go clean your room?" she asked without taking her eyes off of Makenzie. "But Moooommmm!!" Lilly whined. Heather looked at Lilly with the puppy dog eyes. "Pleaaasee Lil'" she said. Lilly got up off off me and stomped to her room.

    Heather ploped herself down on Makenzie's bed and patted the spot beside her. Makenzie walked over to her. "What's wrong sugarplum?" Heather asked. Makenzie told her the whole story and her mom just sat there. When Makenzie finsihed her story, Heather just sat there thinking. "So where is that paper he gave you?" she finally asked. Makenzie got up and walked over to her nightstand and got the little white piece of paper and handed it to her mom. Heather took it and opened it. "Oh my goodness Kenie.." she said shocked. Makenzie sat back down beside her mom. Her mom handed her the piece of paper and Makenzie read it outloud. 

      "Dear Makenzie,

            I wish we could be friends and all but you're just not cool enough. I'm sorry.... But I also can't believe that you though I would give you my number either.. Haha! Later Dweeb 


                                                                                                                                                                          Cooler than you (Noah)

       Makenzie just sat there. Turns out Noah really is a jerk, she thought. Her mom sat there, reached into her purse, and handed Makenzie a white envolope. Makenzie took the envolope and looked at Heather. "What's this??" she asked. "Why don't you open it and see." Heather said playfully. Makenzie chuckeled and started opening the envolope. When she finally got it open she pulled out 3 tickets. She flipped them over to see what they were for. They were 3 plane tickets. She turned them over to see what they were for. They were 3 plane tickets for Hawaii!!! Makenzie jumped up of the bed. "NO  WAY!!!" she yelled. Heather stood up and took Makenzie's hands in hers. "Yes way" she smiled. Th jumped up and down all over Makenzie's room.

       Lilly came in in the middle of their jumping and asked what was going on. Makenzie quick jumping on her bed and bounced off the bed. "We are going on a vacation Lilly" She smiled. Lilly started jumoing up and down and screaming with Makenzie and her mom. They were having soooo much fun that they barley noticed how loud they were. The neighbors started calling and asking what was wrong because they had been hearing screaming. They made sure that the neighbors knew that nothing was wrong. After every call they got they would just start busting out laughing.

   Then they got a call from an unknown number. Makenzie picked up the phone. "Hello?" she said questionably. There were some laughs on the other line. Then she heard someone say "Did ya get my note dweeb? We heard you screaming we thought it was because you freaked out" the mystery person said. She knew it had to be Noah and his crew. She forgot they lived right next door.  Makenzie sighed, holding back tears. " Yes I got your note, but that's not what I was screaming about jerk." she said confidantly into the phone. She heard some 'OOOOHH's and some more laughter. Then the guys started talking again. "So the dweeb finally talks back! Your right Noah, we got us a fiesty one!". More laughter.

    She breathed deep. "In case you wanted to KNOW what I was screaming about it's because me and my family are going to Hawaii for the whole summer." she said confidantly. Again, more laughter. "You hear that Noah! We got us a dweeb free summer! Lats dork!" they hung up. Makenzie couldn't hold up her confidant image anymore. She fell on the floor. She couldn't believe how confidant she had been. But, Noah had gotten what he wanted for summer. A summer without her.....

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