Chapter 13: Leaving

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I watched Deven's finger on the trigger. I was scared to death. I couldn't move. I was paralyzed with fear. I looked at Noah, he's jaw was dropped. You could just see the gears in his head turning trying to figure out how we could get away together. Unharmed.

    "Deven, this is the last time I am going to say this. Let.Her.Go." he said in the steadiest voice he could manage.Deven and his gang laughed and I could feel Deven's hand shift on the gun. Gripping it tighter. Noah started to walk away. Out of the alley. He was leaving me?! Deven and his gang started laughing really loud and calling Noah names. I started crying. Why was he leaving me? Deven dropped the gun from my head and put it in his pocket. He pushed me on the ground and told me not to move. I didnt. I just curled up in a ball and cried.

   After about an hour, I felt a tap on my shoulder. At first I thought it was Deven again. So before I turned around, I looked at the fire the gang had set earlier and counted everyone I saw near it. I counted all of the guys and I saw Deven. So who was behind me. I took a deep quivering breath and turned around. It was dark and I couldnt see, but the figure behind me, grabbed my arm and jerked me down another alleyway. I tried to keep up, I would rather be with this random stranger than be with Deven and his gang. He continued to drag me and I could see the end of the alley. There was a van parked right outside of the alley and we were heading straight for it. We were almost there when I heard Deven yelling at his gang. They sounded nearby.. I had to hurry. I jerked ahead of the stranger, and ran ahead of him to the van. I opened the door and jumped in and he came around the drivers side and we took off. He jerked his hood of his jacket off of his head and I finally saw who it was.

   "Noah!" I yelled from behind him and hugging him from the back of the seat. He laughed for about 2 seconds and he stopped. I knew why to. This wasnt a time for joking around. This was serious. I was relieved when I finally saw our road when our condos where.

   When the car stopped, Noah quickly opened my door, grabbed my hand, and ran as fast as he could inside. We got in and locked the door as fast as we could and but our backs against the door. We were safe for now... I took a deep breath and slowly climbed the stairs. I got to the top and before I even had time to see who was up, I was attacked by 5 people hugging me all at once. My mom and Noahs mom, My sister and Noahs sister, and Noah's dad. I had about 80 questions thrown at me, but i didnt have time to answer them all. After I answered a few of the questions, I explained to them that we had to leave now. Tonight. They completly understood, we rounded up all of our stuff in under 30 minutes and had it in the car and on our way to the airport. Noah and I were told to lay in the floor so we wouldnt be seen in case Deven just happened to drive by. We got to the airport, and My mom and Noah's mom got out to see if there were any flights available tonight.

    The girls were crying becasue they didnt want to leave. I had to explain to them that we were in danger and if we stayed, me and Noah would be hurt. After I explained that to them, they decided it would be best to leave to. Soon after that, the moms came back and told us to hurry because the next plane left in 5 minutes. Noah and I put our jackets on and put our hoods up and grabbed our stuff. We had to get some of the little girls stuff because they would slow us down. We practically ran to the gate and made it with a minute left.

 We got our seats and we all breathed in a sigh of relief. We were safe.. I think....

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