Chapter 9: The Terrace

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After everyone was done hugging Makenzie and Noah, the parents started asking question after question after question. After about a billion questions form the parents and the siblings, Noah excused Makenize and himself. He grabbed Makenzie's hand and pulled her to the terrace and shut the door so the parents couldn't hear them.

   "Soo Makenzie," he began. "I know you have already said no to me, but i cant stop thinking about you, will you please be my girlfriend?" he said. Makenzie smiled and tapped her finger against her chin pretending like she was thinking. Which made Noah laugh.  "I'm serious Kenize." he said attempting to be serious. Makenzie rolled her eyes. "Of course, I will silly." she said.

    Noah did a fist pump in the air and leaned over and gave Makenzie a kiss on the cheek. Makenzie looked down at her feet and blushed. Then they heard 'Awwwww's and "I thought this would never happen' from the moms and mr.Garrett, and 'Ewww's and 'Gross' from the little girls.

    Noah backed up a little bit from Makenzie and grinned. Makenzie starting grinning as well and started blushing a little more. Then the terrace door opened and the moms rushed out and gave both Noah and Makenzie hugs and smiles.

   "Mom stop!" they both exclaimed at the same time with a smile. They mom's smiled and gave one last quick smile and rushed out the door with the little ones.

    Makenzie looked away from the door and looked back at Noah and smiled. Noah did the same and reached for her hand and lead her to the edge of the terrace. They sat there together and watched the sun set over the ocean. Makenie looked over at Noah and layed her head on his shoulder.

   Noah smiled to his self and layed his head on top of hers. And they sat there until the sun was gone and the stars came out. They started getting a little tired of standing, so they sat down in the chairs and started talking.

   "So Makenzie, how do you like Hawaii so far?" Noah asked Makenzie with a little chuckle. Makenzie smiled ad looked up at the stars. "Yeah, this is the best vacation I have ever had" She said with her best smile. Noah got up out of his chair and walked over to Makenzie's chair. He leaned over to her ear. "Mine too" He whispered. And right then and there, they shared their first real kiss.

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