Chapter 10: Bus problems

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Makenzie woke up the next morning on the terrace with a blanket on her. Noah had gone inside after Makenzie fell asleep. Makenzie stretched, yawed, and went inside. She found Noah asleep on the couch. "Awww he looks so cute when he's sleeping" she whispered quietly. Makenzie walked over to the couch and sat on the opposite side of Noah, and turned on the t.v.

    She went looking through to channels for something to watch. She started getting a little cold so she got under the end of Noah's blanket and continued to flip through the channels. On the other end of the couch Noah groaned and yanked the blanket away from Makenzie not knowing she was there.

   Makenzie laughed and pulled some of them back. Then it became like tug of war between the two of them, until Noah (who of course was stronger than Makenzie) pulled the blanket when Makenzie still had a hold of it, and accidentally yanked Makenzie off the couch. "OOF!" Makenzie said loudly when she hit the hardwood floor.

   Noah jumped up. "Woah, woah, woah! What happened!?" he said looking around the room. Then he looked on the ground and saw Makenzie laying there laughing. "What's going on?" he asked. Makenzie was laughing to hard to ee.xplain it to him. "It's nothing" was all she could manage to say.

    She got back up on the couch and they sat there and watched tv. Noah looked over at her and smiled. "How bout we go to the beach today. I mean seriously we havent been yet and we are in Hawaii with one of the best beaches ever." Makenzie looked away from the t.v and looked at Noah. "You're right we should" she said with a smile on her face. Makenzie walked to her room and got her bathing suit on while Noah went ot his condo and got his. They met back in front of the condos and waited for the bus. They looked at the bus schedule and it was supposed to be here by then, but it still wasn't there.

   "It's running a little late today" said one woman who was trying to keep her two kids quiet and on the bus bench. Noah and Makenzie nodded and thanked the lady for her help. The bus arrived shortly after and everyone got on. When they stepped on the bus the bus driver told them that the bus had been having problems that morning so it may take a little longer to get to their destination. After he told them that, everyone who had just got on went and found a seat.

   A few minutes after they got on, they bus started making weird noises. The bus driver pulled over to the side of the road and got off the bus. As soon as the bus driver got out and was calling for another bus to come pick them up, a group of boys in the back got up out of their seats and started messing with the lady who had helped us at the bus stop and her two children who were sititng in the seats across from Noah and Makenzie.

   They were telling the mother all these rude things and then started telling her stuff about her kids, like saying that they were fat, ugly, and shouldnt be brought in the public. The lady was telling them to stop, but they wouldn't. The lady's oldest child stood up and said "My mother is not stupid, ugly or fat and niether are me and my sister! You guys should just go sit back down in your seats and leave everyone else alone!" the 10 year old boy said.  

    The other boys (who were 18 and 19) just laughed. The leader of their group stepped closer to the boy and told him, that he better sit down, or something bad would happen to him. The 10 year old little boy didn't sit down. His mother yanked on him to sit down but he wouldn't do it. The group of older boys laughed and the leader stepped closer to the little boy. He gave the little boy one last smile, then he pulled out a gun. The little boy stared at the gun terrified. But, just as the older kid was about to pull the trigger, Noah jumped up and took the gun from the guy and puched him.

   The guy (who's name is Devan) bent over in pain. Noah stood over him, and looked at the others apart of the group. "I suggest you all get off this bus right now" Noah said angrily. The group backed away and slowly went  out the door. Except Devan. Devan stood back up. He had a bloody nose and an angry look in his eyes. "Nobody tells me what to do" he said. He threw a punch at Noah, but Noah jumped out of the way.

     Makenzie stood up, and yelled for everyone to get off the bus. Devan stopped, looked at Makenize,grabbed the gun from Noah and held it up in the air. "Nobody move!" He yelled. Everyone sat back down except for Noah. WIth the gun held up in the air he pushed Noah out of the way and grabbed Makenzie around the neck and pulled her off the bus. Noah tried to run after him but Devans group, already had a van waiting and didn't get to it in time.

   Noah could see Makenzie's head through the back window of the van. She was crying and calling his name. "Makenzie!" he yelled after the van. Then someone reached up and put a rag over her mouth.

 Noah reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone. "911" he said "my girlfriend was just kiddnapped."

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