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JAYNIE was sat in her trailer with Alycia running through lines when all of a sudden her phone started ringing. She instantly recognised the ringtone, it was Richard.

"Answer it. You've got to talk to him sooner or later." Alycia sighed as she stood up tossing Jaynie the phone. "I'll be in hair and makeup if you need me." She nodded before leaving as Jaynie pressed the answer button and held the cold face of the phone to her ear.

"Hey." She sighed softly shifting slightly in her place on her couch. "I don't have long, I've got to be in hair and makeup soon." She added biting down on her lip hating the silence on the other side of the phone.

"Jaynie, I know you probably don't want to talk to me right now but I'm sorry. I should have called." Richards voice came from the other side of the phone. He sounded different than usual. It was like he was crying. "It's just when Ciara turned up on my doorstep in tears I had to do something."

"Are you crying?" Was all Jaynie managed to choke out as she tried to hold back her own tears. She regretted jumping to conclusions in the way she did.

"Yes because I know I messed up and it fucking hurts because I love you." Richard answered as Jaynie bit down even harder on her lip. He loved her.

"I'm coming over after I finish filming. I want to talk about this in person. It's not something that we should do down the phone." She nodded as one of the crew poked their head round the door telling her it was time to get to hair an makeup.

"You can't. I'm on a night shoot." Richard sighed in reply. Jaynie sighed as well running a hand through her hair. That just messed up the plan.

"Okay. I'll stay late and we can talk then. I'll see you late Richard." She smiled down the phone before hanging up and heading off to hair and makeup.


A/N; okay I'm not too sure about this chapter, but Richard loves Jaynie. Only Jaynie isn't too sure how she feels so that should be interesting.

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