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RICHARD let out a soft sigh as he walked into his trailer ready to wash off the over so famous Murphy grime that covered his body, but then out of the corner of his eye he spotted Jaynie fast asleep on the sofa. She'd waited for him just like she said she would.

"Hey Jaynie." He spoke softly perching on the edge of the sofa budging her softly willing her to wake up. "Jaynie May." He smiled softly as she finally started to wake up. "Good morning sleeping beauty. Nice of you to finally join me." He teased as she smiled up at him.

"You're back." She smiled slowly sitting up and wrapping her arms round him hugging him tightly. "And you're very dirty." She laughed pulling away gently brushing off some of the dirt.

"The fun of playing John Murphy." He smiled brushing her hair out of her face. "Now I believe we wanted to talk about what's going on between us."

Jaynie nodded biting her lip taking his hands on her own squeezing them softly. "Richard. I want to be with you. I really want to be with you. But I have this rule." She sighed looking down shaking her head. "I don't date my co-stars, at least not after what happened between me and Daniel back in our Teen Wolf days."

"Screw the rules." Richard whispered softly leaning forwards kissing her passionately. Of course she kissed back, how could she not? She wanted to be with him more than anything. A slight smirk made its way onto Richards lips as he slowly pushed her back down onto the sofa.

"You're covered in dirt." Jaynie whispered softly as she looked up at him. "Can't you take a shower first?" She laughed softly running her thumb along his jaw.

"Will you join me?" Richard asked smiling down at her as she nodded slowly. "Great." He laughed softly standing up and lifting her up carrying her towards his trailer's bathroom.


A/N; well looks like raynie just became a thing ;)

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