twenty nine

254 24 2

you named the broadcast 'a long awaited explanation'.
you are live on periscope

Hello, it's Jaynie here and today I'm going to give you an explanation as to exactly what has been going on between me and Richard, work and anything else you want to know because you guys mean everything to me and you deserve to know the truth.

So let's start with Richard. Richard and I met earlier this year at my audition for the show, I had to do a screen test with him and as cliché as it sounds we kind of just clicked instantly. Then when I got the part we started to spend more and more time together some of which you kind of got to experience through social media. We both liked each other and we both knew we liked each other but neither of us ever had the confidence to do anything about it. I guess you could say we were in relationship limbo, we weren't dating but we were more than just friends.

Then one day I got a text from Richard asking me to go to a football match with him after Jarod cancelled. It wasn't meant to be date bit after we both thought about it for a while we agreed that we wanted it to be date. That's when everything started to go down hill. Richard never showed up. At first I thought he'd simply forgot but then I found out that something had come up. I remember being so mad at him but even so I went to his apartment to talk things through.

When I got there I found out he hadn't turned up because he had been with his Ciara and I'm going to say this now Ciara is a wonderful person who deserves all the love in the world so please don't hate on her because of this. I got even madder than before because I thought I wasn't good enough for him and I walked out on him. Now I regret that big time because maybe just maybe if I hadn't walked out and if stayed to talk it through we wouldn't have gone through any of the other stuff we've gone through.

Now here's where it gets a little confusing and Daniel gets involved. Now if your a new fan and didn't follow me during my Teen Wolf days you probably don't know about my relationship with Daniel Sharman. The two of us played love interests during my final season on the show and we kind of just fell for one another but we had a lot of problems. We were constantly fighting and shouting at each other, it wasn't good for either of us so when we I wrapped the show I kind of said no more and broke it off with him.

So how is Daniel involved in all this? Well after the whole thing with Richard  I was invited out with Eliza, Alycia, Lindsey, Marie, Chelsey, Luisa and Holland. I needed it, I really did. But then while we were out we ran into Daniel and the two of us quite literally hadn't seen each other in a year so we decided to go out for a coffee to catch up but the paps caught us and all of a sudden there were rumours going round that we were getting back together, which we weren't.

The very next day I got a phone call from Richard and he was crying, it broke my heart to hear him like that so I decided to give him a second chance and agreed to wait on set for him so we could talk things through after he finished filming. Let's just say this we most defiantly sorted everything out and had an amazing night afterwards.

Then things were great for a little while until I got a text from Ciara wanting to talk after I said I wasn't ready to talk, at the time I didn't know how on earth she got my number until she told me Richard gave it her. Naturally I went to Richard about it and it ended in a fight where called me territorial. After that all I could think about was getting away, I had to get away. So I packed up my things and disappeared to visit family in the UK disabling all my social media while I did so because I seriously couldn't handle the hate I was getting.

A week later Richard started texting me asking me what he could do to win me back and prove that he loves me. Then a few hours later I got a phone call saying that he was flying out to see me even though I told him not to and honestly that upset me a little bit but then the moment I saw him again I crumbled. I realised how much I loved him, how much I still love him and we got back together.

However the next morning we both had to fly home because you see Rich didn't get permission to skip filming to fly out to see me. So in answer to E! Online's article we didn't leave the airport together because Richard had to straight to set to try and sort this whole mess out. Also we didn't sit together because it was a lady minute flight and there were no available seats together. So no E! Online we are not a publicity stunt, we are the real fucking thing and honestly we don't care what you think.

So that's everything you need to know, everything going on with me and Richard and everything going with work. I'll try and keep you updated on the whole Richard work situation but I can't promise anything,

I love you guys and I'll see you soon.

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