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You named the group 'Leaving'
You added Liza Loo, Rickster, Linzz, Luisa, Mar and Bobby Boy.

Hey. So I had a meeting with Jroth this morning.

Yeah I heard... Is everything okay Jay?

No? Not really. I'm taking a break. We ran through the scripts and I'm not due to film any scenes for a couple weeks so I'm going to visit family in London.

Bobby boy;
Is this because of what happened between you and Richard? If it is surely we can sort it out. You don't have leave.

Liza Loo;
Yeah. I hate to say this but Bob is right. We can sort this.

No it's not about Richard. I really just need to get away for a little while.

We understand completely love. You take some time to concentrate on you.

Thanks Luisa <3

You will come back right?

Of course she'll come back. She wouldn't just leave us.

I love you guys so much you know that right?

We're great. I know.

No we love you too? I'm devastated.

Bobby Boy;
We love you more than you know.

Liza Loo;
^ character development much. I remember a time when the two of you were at odds over Richard.

Well Richard is all Bob's. I'm officially putting him in the past.
I mean I know I must sound like an ass
but I know for a fact that Ciara is just going to keep getting involved and I can't deal with that right now.

You don't sound like an ass at all.

I guess. But I gotta go.


A/N; So not much happened in this chapter but basically Jaynie is running off to the UK to see some family and Richard may or may not follow her...

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