twenty five

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BY the time Jaynie reached the hotel it was nearly 5am and she was pretty sure that Richard would be asleep, she even thought about going home but she was so desperate to see him that she couldn't. So she trekked through long corridors and up a few staircases until she finally found Richards room gently knocking on the door.

To her surprise the door opened within moments and a familiar pair of arms wrapped round her hugging her tightly. "Richard." She smiled softly looking up at him as she wrapped her own arms around him. Being there in his arms made her completely forget about everything that had happened between the two of them, it was like a weight lifted from her shoulders.

"Hey there beautiful." He smiled back at her pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before slowly pulling away leading her inside. After shutting the door his arms returned to their former place around her waist never wanting to let go.

Jaynie closed her eyes pulling away as a tear or two managed to make their way down her cheek. "Jaynie..." Richard whispered softly as she sat down on the edge of his bed wiping her eyes. "Hey what's wrong?" He questioned looking concerned as he slowly knelt down in front of her taking her hands in his.

"I want this Rich. I want you. But I can't. I can't do it." She whispered softly looking at him. All she could think about was how things had gone with Daniel, how dating had completely ruined their friendship and she didn't want that to happen with her and Richard. "What if we dated properly and broke up? It'd ruin everything. It'd ruin our friendship and don't even get me started on how hard it'd be on the show."

"Don't say that. Please don't say that." He whispered softly resting his forehead against hers gently rubbing the back of her hands with his thumbs. "I love you so much Jaynie. No matter how many times you reject me I don't think I'm ever going to give up. You're my person. We're meant to be and somewhere deep down you know that too."

That's when she lost it. She sat there and sobbed because she did know it. She knew that they were meant to be as, cliché as it sounds, they just fit together perfectly. "I love you, I really do." She nodded trying her hardest to halt the salty tears that rolled down her reddened cheeks. "I just can't lose you."

Richard nodded gently brushing her hair from her face kissing her forehead. "It's late, get some rest." He told her as she nodded slowly laying down as he covered her with the blankets. "I'll take the sofa." He sighed softly grabbing one of the spare blankets out of the cupboard.

"No. Come cuddle with me..." She whispered softly looking over at him her eyes glistening in the dim light from the bedside lamp. "Please..." She added pouting slightly making him laugh as he nodded putting the blanket back in it's place and slowly crawling into bed beside her. "Thank you." She smiled as his arms slowly snaked around her waist pulling her back against his chest.

"It's okay. Goodnight Jaynie." He whispered kissing the back of her neck softly gently. "I'll see you in the morning." He added before closing his eyes slowly drifting into the world of sleep before Jaynie could answer.

"Night Richard." She replied softly smiling slightly because right there beside him was where she was meant to be. She felt at home.

A/N; Another update woo but super important question. Sadly this fic is coming to an end soon but I'm either going to do a sequel or a prequel and I was wondering which you'd rather have? The prequel would be about Jaynie's time on teen wolf & her relationship with Daniel Sharman while the sequel would obviously follow on from this. So please let me know :)

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