thirty one

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RICHARD smiled softly as he ran a hand through Jaynie's hair. "You're so beautiful. Have I ever told you that?" He asked propping himself up with one arm. "I don't think I have, have I?"

"You did. The first night we slept together. We were curled up on the sofa in your trailer and you told me that I'm the most beautiful girl in the world." Jaynie laughed softly looking up at him with a soft smile. She could remember that night like it was yesterday, it was something she'd always remember. "If I remember right you also promised no more drama, just look how that turned out."

"Yeah, well this time I mean it when I say no more drama. Nothing is going to come between us." Richard nodded sitting up and grabbing his jacket pulling something out of his pocket earning a confused look from Jaynie. "There's something I want to ask you." He smiled softly.

"Depends, you're not going to ask me to do something stupid or gross are you?" She asked laughing softly as Richard took her hand in his own giving her a serious look. "Sorry love, I'll shut up now." She nodded rubbing the back of his hand softly with her thumb.

"I know this may seem rushed, but we've been on and off again for a good few months. The thought of losing you again terrifies me." Richard spoke obviously nervous as he opened a small box revealing a small ring with a diamond set into it. "Marry me?"

Jaynie looked at him not knowing what to say. She wanted to say yes but the words just weren't coming out. "What?" Was all she managed to choke out as she stared at him still in complete shock of the whole thing. "I mean yes! Of course I will."

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