twenty eight

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Over the last few months Richard Harmon and Jaynie Gallagher's relationship has been a rocky one, from exes to running away. It's really been non-stop. But after the two returned to Vancouver after Jaynie's trip to visit family in the U.K we've been given reason to believe it's all a publicity stunt.

Why exactly do we think it's a publicity stunt? Well Gallagher is rumoured to be playing the love interest of Harmon's character on popular TV show the 100 so what better way to get people hyped for the couple than have them happen in real life?

If that's not enough to convince you then let's talk about the fact that Gallagher and Harmon reportedly didn't sit together on their flight. The couple sat apart with Jaynie on one side of the aisle and Richard on the other. Then afterwards they didn't even leave the airport together.

Yes you did that right. Straight after landing the two met up with some cast mates at the airport only for Richard to go rushing off with them leaving Jaynie to catch a taxi all by her lonesome.

What loving boyfriend would leave their girlfriend stranded at the airport? A fake one.

- E! News


A/N; I feel like this chapter makes zero sense idek but I promise the next one is going to be a good one and Jaynie is going to kick some media ass.

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