Baby Mama

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G!P Y/n
Y/n's POV
"I don't understand why you're mad!" I shouted after my baby mama, Dinah, as she opened the door to our apartment.

She went to slam the door on me but I caught it just before it closed and I walked in after her, shutting the door behind me.

"You were flirting with the fucking waitress,
Y/ln!" Dinah shouted at me as she spun around to glare at me.

"I wasn't flirting with the waitress, D! I was complimenting her on her shoes! She had fresh J's!" I shouted.

"And then you was eye fucking that one hoe at the grocery store! You're an immature little prick! You say you want me, yet you off eye fucking every hoe you see!" Dinah shouted.

"Oh my God for the last time Dinah I wasn't eye fucking any hoe!" I was growing frustrated now, this girl was starting to really get on my nerves,"Can you stop overreacting for once and just listen to me?! You're acting really fucking stupid right now!"

Dinah froze and glared at me. Her eyes were narrowed dangerously low.

"What the fuck ever, Y/ln. I hope you enjoy the couch tonight. Don't you dare bring your ass in my bed," Dinah spun around on her heels and walked to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

"Now who's being fucking immature, Dinah Jane?!" I shouted, spreading my arms in a "what the fuck" manner,"Come out here and talk to me! Stop being such a brat!"

"Go fuck yourself!!" Dinah shouted from the bedroom.

I dropped my arms and inhaled deeply.

"Fuck!" I kicked the couch and dropped down onto the couch dramatically. I put my head in my hands, shaking my head.

This is how my relationship with Dinah has been for the last 3 years. We never dated. She said I was too much a fuck girl and that I had to prove to her I would actually commit before she would settle down with me.

I thought I proved myself to her when she had my baby a year and a half ago and I stayed with her. But no. She finds something wrong about everything I do.

It was slowly driving me insane. I just wanted to be with her. I love her and I know she loves me, it was pissing me off how she just kept giving me the cold shoulder.

After about an hour, I stood up and paced around the living room, running both of my hands through my hair. I dropped my arms to my sides and walked towards the room.

I knocked on the door gently.

"DJ," I said quietly.

"Fuck off, Y/ln," I heard Dinah sniffle, I knew she had been crying by the way her voice cracked.

I sighed and pushed open the door anyways. I walked into the room. My heart broke at the sight before me. Dinah had her face buried in her pillow, she obviously had been crying. She sat up when she heard me step into the room and wiped her tears quickly.

"I told you to fuck off," she said as she moved to the edge of the bed.

"You should've known I wouldn't've listened," I said as I walked closer to Dinah, she glared at me but I ignored her as I sat beside her.

"I'm sorry, Dinah," I said, Dinah opened her mouth to speak but I held my hand up to stop here,"No. You're going to shut up and listen to me for once." Dinah immediately shut her mouth, eyes wide, staring at me in shock, and I sighed in relief,"Thank you. Now. I'm sorry that I called you stupid and immature. And a brat. I honestly didn't mean it. It's just you're so frustrating sometimes, you know?"

"I'm frustrating?!" Dinah interrupted me in shock.

"Didn't I just tell you to be quiet and listen?" I asked Dinah, she mumbled a quiet 'sorry' as I stood up,"Yes! You're frustrating! You drive me insane. It's like playing in a lion's den with you," I began pacing back and forth in front of Dinah as I ran a hand through my hair,"But it's like, at the same time I wouldn't have it any other way. I live for the way you make me crazy. I live for your spontaneous mood swings and your crazy attitude. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you, Dinah Jane. I've loved you since middle school. When I saw you in those fly sneakers, Tupac Shirt, and the Dope SnapBack. Before you even spoke to me, I knew. I was like that there. That's the girl I see in my future. You were my everything Dinah. I chased you for years before you finally noticed me," I stopped pacing and looked at Dinah,"Yes, I know I've had my time as a fuckgirl. I was a player through out most of High School but it was only to make you jealous. I didn't fucking care about any of those girls. I only loved you. You! And you just treated me as if I was just some fucking fuck toy."

Dinah had tears in her eyes as she watched me. She wiped her eyes and sniffled.

"I thought I proved myself to you when I stayed with you after you had Ivy but you still refuse to acknowledge me as more than just your baby daddy. It's like you're scared of happy (ha! See what I did?!) But I'm done with that shit. No one means more to me than you and my daughter do. You two are the only ones I need in my life. Just you guys. I love you so much, Dinah. It physically pains me when we fight. I can't live without you. I refuse to live without you. There's no way I'm living without you. You can say you hate me all you want. But I know the truth.

"You love me just as much as I love you. And I refuse to let you go. And to prove that to you," I dropped down on my right knee and grabbed Dinah's hands in mine,"Dinah Jane Milika Ilaisaane Hansen," Dinah's breath hitched as I spoke her name, I stared directly into her caramel orbs,"Will you marry me?"

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