This isn't Twilight

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Lauren's POV

"Lauren?" I heard a voice speak in the darkness of my bedroom, I sat up and looked around.


Said vampire, emerged from the shadows. He stood before me, pale and gorgeous as ever. He smiled softly at me, before sitting down on the edge of my bed.

I reached over to turn my lamp on so I could see him clearly then sat with my legs in criss cross applesauce type of way, and looked at him. He looked tired, he had dark circles around his eyes and a look in his eyes that I couldn't explain.

"You don't look too good," I said as I reached out to take his cold hand in mine. Y/n looked at me, then down at my hand as he ran his cool thumb over my knuckles.

"I haven't eaten all day," Y/n said honestly, looking up at me.

I looked at him cautiously, not scared for my life, but for his. I was told by him that when a vampire doesn't eat, they slowly grow weaker and weaker until they just can't live anymore.

"Why haven't you?"

"Too busy thinking, I guess."

"About what?" I asked, raising my eyebrows questioningly.

"This isn't Twilight, Lauren."

"Well I should hope it isn't, that's a cancerous book and movie," I laughed, but I quickly stopped when Y/n didn't laugh along with me. Instead he was looking at me seriously.

"I'm leaving, Lauren," Y/n said,"For your own safety. We can't be together."

"W-what? No," I said, quickly shaking my head,"No.-"

"Lauren,-" Y/n started.

"No! You can't just leave me! Not after everything. You''ve changed my life. You made me fall in love with you. You can't just leave me."

"You're not safe with me around, Lauren," Y/n said.

"I don't care! Don't you love me?"

"Of course I love you!"

"Then stay!"

"I can't!" Y/n shouted, jumping to his feet,"I can't! I'm not in control when I'm around you," Y/n said,"You make me feel emotions I haven't felt in years. And that isn't good. Vampires aren't suppose to feel all of these emotions. They make us go crazy. We're too intense. And with you, everything intensifies. As does my hunger," Y/n bent over my bed and moved so he was really close to my face and I could see his eyes, they were blood red which meant he was very hungry,"You smell...," Y/n took a deep breath and it caused a shiver to run down my spine when his eyes opened and they were even redder as he looked at me,"So good.

Y/n shot up quickly and took a few steps away from my bed.

"I don't want to hurt you. I can't hurt you. I love you too much to put you in that much pain," Y/n said, shaking his head.

This time I shot up from my bed and approached him, slowly.

"Then turn me," I said, as I walked closer to him.

"No," Y/n quickly shot me down. I stopped walking and glared at him.

"Why not?! Then I'd be just like you and we could be together, and-," I started but Y/n just cut me off.

"No!!" Y/n snapped as he glared at me, causing me to take a few steps back. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he looked at me,"No," he said a little bit more calmly now,"This isn't like Twilight, Lauren. Changing you could kill you. No one ever knows if they'll survive the changing or not. And if you do. You'll just become a monster like me. I don't want that for you. I can't want that for you."

I felt the tears fall from my eyes now as I stared at my vampire.

"You can't just leave me, Y/n."

"I have to, Lauren. Or you'll die," Y/n said, he walked closer to me. He cupped the side of my face in his hand and I leaned into his touch.

His hand was so cold, yet it felt comfortable. His hands were meant to hold me, he was meant to hold me. We were meant to be together. He couldn't just leave me now.

I felt him lean in and his cold lips touched my forehead. I closed my eyes reveling in the feeling of his lips on my skin. This might be the last time I feel them again.

"I love you, Lauren."

That was all I got before I was met with a gust of wind, his hand was no longer on my face. I opened my eyes and saw that he was no longer standing in front of me.

I ran out of my room and down the stairs, not caring if I woke up my entire house. I ran outside and looked around.

"Y/n!" I shouted,"Y/n! Please!"

But there was no answer, I let out a loud sob and dropped to my knees, wrapping my arms around myself.

How could he just leave me like that?

Oh that's right. Because. This isn't Twilight. This is real life and in real life, the human and the vampire can never be together.

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