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In This You Are Best Friends With All The Girls.
Y/n's POV
I call my girls 'cause I got a problem

I called Camila, Lauren, Dinah, Normani, and Ally in a 6 way call.

"Hey, Y/N/N!" Camila.

"Hey, boo!" Normani.

"Hey, Princess!" Lauren.

"Yo, hoe!" Dinah.

"What's up, Hun?" Ally.

"I need y'all to come over here. I've got a big problem."

The girls were at my house not even 15 minutes later with sleeping bags and in their pajamas.

"Okay, Y/n. What's the problem?" Camila asked as they all entered my head.

"It's a big problem and only a curl is gonna solve it."

"Why, babe? What happened? Was it Eric again?" Lauren asked, I could hear the anger in her voice.

"He cheated on me," I said as I tried to hold in my tears.

"Oo! I'm gonna kill that fuckboy!" Dinah shouted angrily.

"Then I don't really care. He keeps on texting me and it's getting on my nerves. Just get him out of my hair."

"Aw I'm sorry, baby! He's so not worth it, ya know that," Normani said as she threw her arm over my shoulder and led me to the kitchen,"You know how about for tonight. Let's switch it up. He's so not worth your tears or your time."

"You got any liquor this fridge?" Dinah asked as she opened my fridge to look for something to make drinks.

"Get it off my shoulder. He's just so distracting. I've had enough, can't take it no longer."

"I don't know, Y/n. Maybe you're just not over him," Ally said as she came up behind me and rubbed my back.

"No!! I'm over him I swear. I'm like yeah. Gotta get him out my hair. 'Cause he was just a dick and I knew it. Got me going mad sitting in this chair. Like I don't care. Gotta get him out my hair. I tried everything but it's useless. He pushed me so far. Now I'm on the edge
Make him disappear. Go get him out my hair," I looked at the girls pleadingly.

The girls and I didn't find anything to drink so we made our way upstairs to my bedroom and all settled down on my bed and my floor. After we were all settled Dinah began speaking.

"Just forget about him. Okay, gotta bleach him out, peroxide on him," Dinah explained as she smiled at me warmly.

"You're right. I need to forget him. Hair on the floor like my memory of him," I smiled widely,"Now I feel brand new."

Lauren leaned over the edge of my bed and bopped my nose. I giggled and smiled widely.

"This chick is over you," Lauren said, grinning.

"Tomorrow night we're going out, ain't got no worries," Camila said, smiling at me,"Drama now, now it just seems so funny."

I raised my hands up in the air and cheered.

"Put my hands up in the air, I'm like yeah," I said,"Gotta get him out my hair."

These girls were so right. I needed to forget about Eric and just enjoy my life.

'Cause he was just a dick and I knew it
Got me going mad sitting in this chair
Like I don't care
Gotta get him out my hair
I tried everything but it's useless
He pushed me so far. Now I'm on the edge
Make him disappear
Go get him out my hair

The girls and I laughed and joked around the rest of the time, just enjoying each other's company. I was so thankful for these girls and it wasn't even funny.

After about 2 hours, Camila grew hungry and wanted pizza so we ordered it. When the pizza arrived all the girls went downstairs to get a slice but I stayed upstairs because I had to use the bathroom.

Before I could go to the bathroom I noticed I had gotten a text. I opened my phone to see it was from Eric. I opened it.

Cheating No Good Dusty Ass Ex🖕💔: Y/n. Come on baby. Why can't you just see that it was a mistake. You're the one I want, baby. I'm sorry.

I could slowly feel myself believing his words. I don't know why. I know I shouldn't because he's fed me the same line every time. But I was always so gullible when it came to him. He was the only boy that showed me any attention and made me feel pretty.

That's probably why I wanted to forgive him so much. And I was about to, but before I could type of response my phone was snatched from my hands.

I looked up to see the girls all surrounding me and Lauren holding my phone in her hand.

"Friend you need to get your phone, erase that number. Don't call him back 'cause he don't deserve that," Lauren said, fixing me with a firm yet concerned look with her green eyes.

"He's going to be at the club tomorrow night," Dinah said,"And when you see him in the club
Just flip your hair, don't show him any love
'Cause you've had enough."

I sighed and nodded my head at my best friends. Once again knowing they were right. 'Cause he was just a dick and I knew it. Got me going mad sitting in this chair. Like I don't care. Gotta get him out my hair.

But, I tried everything but it's useless
He pushed me so far. Now I'm on the edge. Make him disappear.

I sighed and looked at the girls and nodded my head once, firmly. Ready to end this once and for all.

"Go get him out my hair," I said.

"Yay!! Y/n is okay again!" Camila cheered.

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