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Male You, Werewolf AU
Y/n's POV
I was 15 years old when I first saw her. I immediately knew that she was mine. I imprinted on her.

My little 6 year old brother, Jason ran into my room and jumped on my bed, followed by my little 5 year old step sister, Camila.

"Mommy said you had to take us to the park!" Jason shouted as Camila bounced on my bed. I chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh do I now?" I asked my siblings.

"Yeah! Can you?" Camila pouted her adorable little pout.

"Please please please please please," this time they both looked at me with pouts and sad puppy dog eyes. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Okay okay. I'll take you to the park," I laughed.


I laughed as they both grabbed my hands and pulled me out of my bed, they dragged me to my door and out of my room.

I chuckled and lifted them up in my arms and carried them both down the stairs making airplane noises as they laughed and squealed.

"Mom! I'm taking Jason and Camila to the park!" I shouted.

"Okay! Be back soon! There's a pack meeting with the elders tonight!" My mother shouted from the kitchen.


I carried the two goons outside of our house and then set them on the ground. We walked into town, their hands were clutching tightly to mine.

We walked all the way to the park and I caught sight of my best friend, Aidan, standing there playing with a little girl.

She was a caramel color, with soft looking dark brown hair.

"Yo, Aid!" I shouted to my best friend, he looked up at me and smiled.

"Y/n!!" He shouted as left the little girl on the slide and ran over to me. We slapped each other's hands,"What's up, man?"

"Nothing, man. Taking the siblings out for a while,"I pointed down to the two children who were laughing at something that seemed to be super hilarious, I rolled my eyes at them and looked back at my friend,"How about you?"

"Taking my cousin in law about to play," Aidan said as he pointed to the little caramel skinned girl on the swing,"Her parents just moved into town and wanted me to take her out to meet some other kids her age so she wouldn't be alone on the first day of school. Hey, actually, Camila and Jason are about her age. Think you can get them to talk to her?"

"Sure," I kneeled down in front of Camila and Justin and smiled at them,"Hey guys. See that little girl over there," I pointed in the direction of the caramel skinned girl,"her name is..." I waited for Aidan to insert her name.


Dinah. Wow that's a really beautifully unique name.

"Well her name is Dinah. She's new in town and doesn't really have friends. Can you go talk to her and possibly be here friend?"

"Okay!" The two quickly agreed in unison and ran off away from to the swings where the girl now sat. I stood up and watched my siblings closely. Camila seemed to be chatting animatedly, then Jason spoke. Dinah jumped off the swing, nodded her head. And then she looked to be laughing.

"Mission accomplished!" Aidan shouted,"Thanks, man," he held his hand up to me, I looked at him laughing and slapped his hand with my own.

"Y/n!!" I looked over to see my siblings running over to me with Dinah in tow.

"Y/n! This is our new friend, Dinah! Dinah, this is our big bubba Y/n," Camila explained to Dinah. I looked at the caramel skinned girl, who was looking down at her shoes. I smiled and extended my hand to her.

"Hello there Dinah. That's a very pretty name," I said. Dinah took my hand in her tiny one.

"Thank you," Dinah mumbled as she looked up at me. I froze when I was met with her chocolate colored eyes. I immediately felt warmth fill my body.

It's not like love at first sight. It's more like, gravity moves....suddenly it's not the earth holding you there anymore. It's her. You would do anything, be anything for her. A brother, a protector, a lover, or a friend.

It was a strange feeling that filled me.

Everything that made me who I was my loyalty to my pack, my love for my father, my brother, my mother, my name, my home, myself, disconnected from me in that second and floated away into space.

I was no longer left drifting. A new string held me where I was. Not one string but a trillion. Not even strings, steel cables. A trillion cables tying me to one thing, to the center of the universe.

I could see that now. How the universe swirled around this one point. The gravity of Earth no loner tied me to where I stood.


I felt my heart fill as my eyes never left the warm chocolate eyes of my mate. I felt my knees grow weak, I dropped to my knees in front of her, so that I was eye level with her height. She looked at me with a surprised expression and all I could do was offer a small, reassuring smile.
Should I make this a fic or nah? Lol. I kind of like this one and I may have ideas, but only if you want this into a fic. Let me know!

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