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I kind of feel personally attacked...I'm not trying to sound rude or anything because I do love Camila and I always want what's best for her, but I was thinking maybe her first album wouldn't be that great because she was in the group for so long and maybe it would take time for transitioning and she literally only waited 6 months, but can I just say...hot damn!

Like I am seriously in love with Crying in the Club. The music video and the song. Like holy shit. My heart actually hurts. Firstly, her lower register is....holy shit and the way she moves. God, I'm actually excited for The Hurting, The Healing, The Loving. I can't wait for it to come out. I'm really proud of her.

And don't get me started on Normani on DWTS. I know I haven't posted anything about her on the show, but damn. I'm so proud of my chocolate mama. Her dancing literally gives me life. I'm worried about her ankle injury but knowing our Mani, she'll fight through it and she'll totally slay DWTS. I just hope she doesn't hurt herself more because I am totally ready for 5H3.

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