Hogwarts Express

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Ally's POV
"This is gonna be awesome, Smallz!" my best and only friend, Dinah Jane said excitedly as we walked onto the Hogwarts Express for our first of many trips to the famous wizarding school Hogwarts.

I giggled at how excited she seemed to be and nodded my head in agreement.

"It will be great, won't it?!" I smiled.

"My Dad says that Hogwarts is the best school! He said he loved it there as a kid. He was in Gryffindor, ya know?" Dinah said smiling proudly as we walked down the aisle of the bus looking for an open compartment,"I hope I'm in Gryffindor! What house do you wanna be in, Ally?"

I looked back at my best friend with furrowed eyebrows. I didn't know what she really meant by houses. Like I knew there were 4 different houses in Hogwarts and you were sorted into the house that fit your personality. But I don't know what any of the houses were and how'd they fit my personality.

See I was a muggle born. Both of my parents were humans but I was born a witch. At least that's how Dinah's dad explained it.

I've known Dinah since I was 9. Her dad was head of the Muggle Liaison Office in the Ministry of Magic. He decided to live amongst muggles to keep a closer eye on wizards and muggles alike, and they ended up moving to Texas, right next door to me.

That's when they learned about my powers. I didn't know I had them until I turned 10. Gordon said that it was common for a young muggle born to come into there powers a little later than most.

As soon as Gordon found out of my powers, he told my parents and then told the ministry. Now a year later here I was on the Hogwarts Express, still barely understanding everything that was going on but going with it anyways.

"DJ!" I heard some shout, I looked up to see a small girl, with long brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes, waving to us from her compartment.

"Mila!" Dinah shouted before she pushed past me, grabbed my arm and pulled me after to her to the other girl's compartment. Dinah pulled me into the compartment and then engulfed the other girl in a big bear hug,"I missed you so much, Chancho!"

"I missed you too, Cheechee!"

I laughed as I watched as Dinah's body basically swallowed the other girl whole. When the squealing was over I saw Dinah let go of Camila and turn to me.

"Ally! This is my best friend from the wizard world, Camila Cabello. Camila, this is my best friend from the muggle world, Ally Brooke."

Camila smiled at me and extended her hand.

"Camila Cabello, its pleasure to meet you. Any friend of Dinah's is a friend of mine," she smiled positively.

I smiled brightly and shook her hand, happy to see that she was nice.

"Same here," I said, grinning.

"Let's all sit," Camila said, motioning to the seats in the compartment.

Dinah and I both sat down on one side and Camila sat on the other. Before any of us could talk, there was a knock on the door.

"Come on in," we all said in harmony, the compartment door slid open and there stood two people. A boy with bushy brown hair and blue eyes and a girl with red hair and green eyes.

"Hi!" The girl grinned widely,"I'm Lily and this is my cousin, Hugo," the girl motioned to the boy.

"Hello," the boy spoke as he smiled a shy smile and a wave.

"Can we sit with you? There are no more open compartments," Lily said.

"Of course! Come on in," I grinned.

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