We Can't Just Wait, We have to get Raziel's Sword ~Katia, Jace, Loki~

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Everywhere was chaos.

Demon ichor was all around us and blood mixed with it. Jace was helping Clary, but then got stabbed by Sebastian. Loki killed demons and Shadowhunters alike.


I saw myself dying on the battlefield.

Then the scene shifted. Jace and I were the last ones left, fighting against the demons.

In a last ditch effort, I told Jace to go. I sacrificed myself for him.

Again, scene shift.

Now Jace was the one to tell me to run and sacrificed himself bravely.

But I died as well.

I gave a terrified scream as Loki raised his scepter.

Then he stabbed me.

Then nothing but blackness.


I gave a terrified scream that pierced the air beneath the Institute as I woke up.

I knew why, though.

As people crowded around me, I looked for Jace. He stared at me as I went ashen, remembering my dreams of a future that could happen.

I said, in a sobbing breath, "We are all going to die."

Silence met my announcement. I stared at Jace through my tears, and I said, "But Jace, you might not." Then I did what all girls did.

I fainted.


I stared at the unconscious warlock. I knew what she had meant, for I had had dreams last night that left me doubting everyone's survival.

But having Katia say that made the reality even more possible.

Clary looked at Magnus inquisitively.

"What does she mean?" She asked him.

"Katia has visions, sometimes. As a time walker, Katia can only try to undo the mistakes in the past in the future. But every time she has visions that leave her sobbing or unconscious, she remembers the dream later, like on the day it happens. I don't know why, it's just how she was born."

"Do they always come true?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"Most of them, yes. Not all." Magnus looked at me and then glanced at Alec. Alec said, "Yeah. She kind of saved Magnus and I when we went to London. She had had a vision of me getting killed by an unfriendly vampire, *cough* Camille *cough* because I had made her mad in not getting rid of Magnus's immortality."

Magnus stared at him. "I didn't know that that was the reason!" he gasped, pretending offense. Alec said, "Yeah, well. It wasn't something that I could tell you because Camille made me swear to the Angel that I wouldn't." Everyone gasped. "But I was talking to Jace, she never said not to say it in your range of hearing," he said, smiling.



I thought about her.

The warlock girl, Theresa.

Sebastian had offered to kill her, but I had snapped at him to leave her to me. I didn't want her to die by his hand. If she had to die at all, I would do it. I would kill her, but I would most likely regret killing her.

So I told him that, when the time came, I would kill her, but I would do it when I wanted to.

As I thought that, a wave of panic seemed to come over me. I was slightly confused, until it passed.

It was Theresa's feeling.

Terror, panic, sadness, anguish, hatred, and calmness had also been in that wave of panic, making it a wave of emotions.

I sighed with relief when it was over.

She would not be stronger than me this time.



I woke up, knowing what I needed to know.

I knew that the battle in my dream wouldn't happen for at least a couple months or weeks, I was not certain.

But I went to my dad and said, "Dad, we-I- cannot wait no longer. I must go. Now. I must go get Raziel's sword. He said it belongs to me now." He nodded. "Good luck, Katia," he said, as both Alec and him pulled me into a hug.

I asked, curiously, "Are you two getting married?" and I said it as if I was suspicious of them.

Alec and Magnus blushed. I gaped. "Wow. When?"

Alec shrugged.

I yelled, "Izzy!" to Isabelle, and she ran gracefully over.

"Yep?" she asked.

"Can you plan an indoor wedding? Actually, an underground one, so that when I get back, we can have it on November 2nd?" I asked her politely. She nodded. "Who's getting married? Jace and Clary?"

"Nope, Magnus and Alec," I said, smirking slightly. Isabelle's jaw dropped, as did every last Shadowhunter's, except Aline and her girlfriend, apparently.

I smirked.

The Child of Lilith (A Mortal Instruments/Avengers Crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon