Asgard Part II ~Katia/Katara~

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Thor is an idiot sometimes.

Seriously! I was just standing there, looking in the direction of my soon-to-be fiancé that would escape with a little help from Katara...

Oh, yay! I'm a waterbender!


To tell everyone the truth, I actually did get sucked into the series...and used my awesome powers to pretend I was an earthbender/airbender/firebender/waterbender...actually, I think I told them I was an Avatar, just not their Avatar. Hmm...I forget. Anyway, that is a story for another time...It was during the time I was with Lilith...yeah, when I got back, she flipped out on me. Yeah, but I won't go into detail. I'll tell that story later. Right after I tell Loki that I called him a girl Smurf...

I blushed as I rejoined Thor. Seriously, I was never going to have the guts to do that, was I?

Later I sat down in the room I was in. We didn't have to share, thankfully.

Quickly, I wrote a letter to Heimdall, if he was watching.

Heimdall, if you are watching, I must see Loki. And/or rescue him. I must do it if Odin allows does not free him soon. Please, Heimdall. I'm dying and he does not deserve such pain. I beg you. I love him, and I'm dying because of Thor's actions. So I beg you to get the All-father to either free him or listen to my plea. Oh, and if you do convince him, tell him he should make the Bifrost taste like Skittles. Otherwise, the commercials would have lied.


So I was waiting for at least three hours before I heard a tentative knock on my door. I opened it...and gasped as cold arms enfolded me. I said, "Loki?" and I heard his laugh. His sexy laugh.

I blushed as he said, "Well, it seems you do find my laugh sexy." I shoved him away playfully and said, "Whatever, Smurfette."

"Smurfette is the girl Smurf, correct?" I looked into his green, green eyes and said, "What of it?" he advanced into the room and said, in that silky voice, his silky, velvet like voice, "Now it's time for your punishment."

I gasped as he started tickling me. I laughed, and at some point he must have shut the door. It went on for hours, us not speaking about anything, and it went on late into the beautiful, starry, night sky.

The next morning, I awoke to find him missing. At first, I wondered why he was gone, but then the room to the bathing room opened. I smiled at him, and he grinned back. He was in his war clothes, and I knew we had to tell everyone he had been released. He said, "I took the liberty of picking out your clothes," and I saw a dress. I glared half-heartedly at it, then grabbed it and went to change. I made sure he didn't bring a copy by quickly spelling the area around me to keep prying eyes away. I quickly bathed and got the clothes on.

It was a long-sleeved, floor-length dress that fitted me. Thankfully. I put my emerald green pendant from my mother around my neck and debated about putting the necklaces I had gotten from Zuko, Katara, Aang, and Toph as tokens of their appreciation. Yes, surprisingly I had gotten souvenirs from them. But I spelled them so they were in my bag, which could hold limitless amounts of things. Like Harry Potter.

Don't ask where I went after ATLA. You really don't want to know. But, as I said, I will tell you...soon. *cue evil laugh* Hehe...Let's just say, Percy Jackson is pretty cool, and did you know everything they showed in the movies was true? And I actually went to Long Island. That's how I found out...And Cedric wasn't all that nice to me. Again, the movies were real and passed as fake...Yeah...Maybe I'll tell you later...

Anyway, as soon as I had my necklace on, I went out and Loki was waiting with that grin that made me blush. He does that WAY too often...


I took a deep breath and walked out of my room, Loki following me.

When we passed a few guards, they seemed surprised that I was with Loki, not that he was with me. I didn't know why, but whatever. Thor had told us yesterday that we were getting fighting lessons, and I was thankful I had reverted to my usual form, my ME form. Katia, although I hoped Darcy would still call me Katara.

Surprisingly enough, Lady Sif and I got along just fine. Maybe it was because I was in love with Loki and not Thor, or that I commented on her weapon and she was like, "You know?" and I had nodded. I did know that her sword was beautiful. So we had gotten into a conversation about the deadliest weapons, which led to a fight. Thankfully, I had gotten some Asgardian armor. She also said that we could keep it.

I fist pumped the air.

So while we were fighting, she had commented on my stance, and the fact that I was holding a drink. I and her fought until we both collapsed from exhaustion, and she was panting hard. Yet all I was doing was breathing quickly, while she was just trying to suck in air. She said, "" she trailed off as we both we too tired to continue. I saw the Warriors Three as we both sat up. They were gaping. I merely smirked at them. They continued the lesson as we, Sif and I, were just speaking civilly to each other.

We actually became fast fries end, or, in ordinary people tongue, friends.

After the instruction "I" recieved, everyone went back to the palace for dinner. I sat next to a really nervous Loki, and I saw a bowl of Skittles next to a blond woman. I asked Sif, who was sitting on my left, "Who's the blond woman?" and she said, in an equally small whisper, "Sigyn. Loki's...ex, I suppose you mortals would say," she responded. "Then why is she staring at Loki like a lovesick woman?" I asked, again in a whisper. "Because she's the goddess of fidelity," she said. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh. He...broke her heart?" I asked. She nodded. I frowned at Loki. I then turned to the woman, and asked, very politely, "Will you please hand me that bowl, Lady Sigyn?" The table froze as Sigyn looked at me and asked, in a deadly tone, "Do I look like a servant, mortal?" and I said, "Nope," in a cheerful tone. "I wonder what Loki did, eat your box of Cheerios? I don't know, but you take the 'ios' out of the 'Cheerios', Lady Sigyn, and you look more like Smurfette to me than Loki ever did. Instead, you are the PERFECT Smurfette-except your not small, tiny, a cartoon, and blue," I finished, and Loki stared at me.

For a minute, Sigyn just looked at me. Then she laughed. I said, "Yeah, Loki didn't deserve someone like you, Sigyn. Seriously. I'm not saying he's good for me, because, after all, I'm just a mortal, and a mewling kitten who does not know when to shut up, correct, Loki?" I said, smiling at him, with a glint in my catlike eyes that made me seem angry. I knew that glint was actually a glimpse of my ferality. My cat nature.

He gulped and said, "Yes, Kat. Of course."

I then turned to Sigyn. I sighed dramatically, saying, "I was dying because of him, oh Loki!" I pretended to swoon. Everyone laughed as I stood up and "fainted"- AND LOKI DIDN'T CATCH ME! "OWWWW!" I howled. I looked at Loki, and my eyes slitted. I whacked him on the head-with a book!

He winced, and I knew he knew that it was a joke. I said, "Lady Sigyn, may I please have that bowl, now?"

She nodded, still smiling slightly, and I smiled at her, fangs/canines not showing.

Finally, we were retiring and Loki had gone to his room, requesting to be left alone. I was walking down the hall when a piercing pain filtered through. I screamed. My mind was echoing with voices and I fell to my knees, tears swimming in my eyes. The piercing noise got louder and I thrashed, my hands clamped to my ears.

"Sigyn," I whispered, but I have no idea why. "Heimdall...Sigyn..." I whimpered.


I briefly woke up and heard a distinctly female voice say, "Loki, she fainted and Heimdall said she asked for me. Take care of her." After that, blackness ensued.

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