Concern ~Alec, Clary~

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How did Katia guess? I mean, yeah, she must have known because of my awkwardly hugging her, but oh well, I suppose.

I heard a commotion and I looked toward the entrance.

The Shadowhunters have returned.

I looked for Katia, but I couldn't find her. I knew everyone was expecting a wisecrack about how sunny it was, but nope. She wasn't with them.

Magnus came forward, looking at me, and asked, "Has she come back?" And I asked, "Wasn't she with you guys?" And he said, frustration evident in his tone, "No. She said that she would make it back here before us to make the coast clear." he finished, and everyone froze.

Questions started flying around, accusations that I knew they didn't like.

Clary suddenly shouted, "If Katia didn't want to be the decoy, then she wouldn't do it! She's very stubborn that way, cause she rarely listens to her father! So shut up and stop blaming Alec and Magnus for her disappearance!"

I gave her a grateful look. And she looked a bit astonished that she had said that.


As soon as I yelled that, Alec shot me a grateful look, and I was surprised that he had done so, because I thought he hated me. Of course, I didn't exactly know anymore, seeing as he and Magnus were getting married. It was surprising, to say in the least.

I walked into my room, and Jace followed me. I sighed and said, "Jace, do you think that this will ever stop? This hiding from mundanes? Won't we just give up?" And he looked at me, weariness in his eyes.

"Clary, I don't have all the answers, okay?" He said, and I nodded for him to continue. "But if you have to, run and don't look back. Clary, only you and Katia have the runic powers, so we must keep them safe. I personally will make sure that you are safe. Got it?" Jace said to me, fierceness in his gaze.

I sighed. "Okay, whatever, Jace. I believe you. Now where is the Mortal Sword?"

Jace said, "With Alec and Magnus."

I smiled. "Good. They'll keep it safe for Katia."


The next day I was refreshed and it was pouring outside. I quickly walked to the SHIELD area and waited with a cup of coffee. As everyone came out, I said, "Do you guys think that Tess-I mean, Katia,- is back yet?" 

Alec shook his head. "No. I checked."

Magnus nodded. "Yeah, she isn't back yet. Unfortunately."

I said, "Maybe we should send a search party. With a werewolf in it," I said, thinking fast.

Magnus said, "If I can use her spellbook, the I could find a tracking spell, that could track her," but then a voice said, "Oh, Magnus. That will not work."

Everyone turned.

Lilith was still in the pentagram.

"Why not, Lilith?" Magnus snapped. "Because, you idiot, only she can open it! Jeesh! Only a pure hearted descendant of mine can open the Book of Me," Lilith said, annoyance clear in her voice.

"So what can we do, Miss-I-Must-Have-A-Corporeal-Body?" Magnus snapped, and Lilith glared at him.

"Watch your tongue," she hissed. "My descendant has gained favor in my eyes. So if you speak of me that way, I will make her forget about her powers," and Magnus paled, and quickly said, "Forgive me, Lilith."

She sighed, and said, "It's all right, Magnus. Maybe you should tell her where her mother lives?" And Magnus's eyes widened. "No. I will never tell her that I lied to her all these years," he whispered. Steve glared at him angrily.

"Where is she?" he asked in a deadly tone. "Last I saw of her, she was headed to see someone, I don't know who. So there," Magnus snapped.

I leaned over to Jace.

"Well, someone's concerned about Peggy," I whispered. Jace snorted.

I elbowed him.

"Oww," he muttered. "The hell, Clary?" he hissed.

I said, "It wasn't supposed to be funny, Jace Herondale," I snapped at him.

"Oh," he said.

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