Life's Lemons

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I hate life's lemons. You want to know why EVERYONE loves life? Because life is a beautiful lie.

Everyone hates Death because its merely a painful truth.

I'm glad though.

If death were simple, sealing the Gates of Death shouldn't be too hard. A life for a life. A death for a death? Eh I don't know anymore.

Is Sebastard truly evil? Or just misguided by his father Valentine? I wasn't at the battle of Brocelind Plain because I was hiding in London. Easiest place for me to hide, actually.

Tessa, the warlock I was named after by my dad, told me that I shouldn't be too sad because we were different. But with Lilith taking me over it's hard. Life and Death are appealing in different ways.

But I'd give my life to save his.

Loki Laufeyson, I don't care if you're evil or dumb.

You are MINE.

I love you.

I looked at the Gates and took a deep breath.

I placed my dagger to my heart, to finally be freed of Lilith.

I buried the seraph blade deep into my heart, letting a scream fly from my lips as I felt the searing pain in said heart.

"Loki.." I whispered, then took the dagger out, my blood and my intentions becoming known as I started to chant in the angelic and demonic languages, letting my blood flow onto the dirt packed floor before digging my hand in my chest and ripping out my heart, placing it on the ground, in the middle.

So when Life gives you lemons, don't take em. Give em to someone else.

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