Arrested ~Katia, Jo Ann~

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So, picking fights and spontaneously knocking out people with magic is apparently a felony. Who knew?

So we went to the principal's office, and the principal, whose name was Miss Purple, made us sit down in front of her desk while we waited for the police.

She said, "Miss Bane. Mutations are not allowed here. So kindly remove your weapons." So I did.

A pocketknife, an athame, a small dagger, three sharpened pencils that I usually liked to use to stake vampires if I was feeling particularly muderous, some real silver spoons, and 3 stakes of iron to, you know, kill faeries with if I feel like torturing them. Of course, the weapons would return to my pockets.

"Miss Bane, remove ALL of your weapons," Miss Purple snapped. I sighed and said, "Well, I would, but I would be killing myself. After all, my head, arms, legs and my main body are all considered weapons. In every place in the world. Except a few, since I kind of got banned from Switzerland," I added, frowning slightly.

Jo Ann and her friends' jaws dropped at my admission.

~Jo Ann~

I stared at Katia. I realized that I must look stupid, as my jaw was practically on the ground. She was a weapon?

The police entered and she said, "Hey, bud. How's my old cell?" The dude sighed. "I wish you'd stop coming, Tess," he said, and I saw Kat's jaw tighten. "Yeah, well, this time it won't be for more than a couple of hours before we're released. And call me Katia. Can they be in the same cell?" she asked, pouting. The guy sighed again, then said, "Yeah, but I think they're taking you to Alicante, to Idris," he said as we walked out. "No," she gasped, and her face was white. "Do I get a call?" He nodded.

She was shaking and scared. "Are they going to make the execution public?" she asked, and my friends and I looked at each other in panic. Kat was to be executed?

"Naw. They said it was going to be painless. I wish you could get out of it, but they said only another Shadowhunter can get you out."

"Then I need a phone," she said firmly.

The dude sighed, then turned to her. "Here. Georgia, say nothing about this. Kat, you'll have a call still waiting for you at the station," he said. "Thanks, Jonathan. You are a huge help." he nodded. Then turned to us. "Seriously?" he said as he looked at me. I was gaping. I wished I had known. "Uncle?" I asked.

Then Katia said, "Hey, Tony! I kind of got arrested and will be executed soon. If you can get my mother down here fast, like right freaking now, then I won't die and Sebastian won't take over New York again and I will see my beloved again! Tell Mom, Lilith, and Dad, and Steve that I'll be a-okay if you could HURRY UP AND PICK UP THE FREAKING-oh, hey, Tony....yeah, just in the backseat of a police car...yeah, apparently it's a felony to use magic....yep, I'm going to either Switzerland where they can legally kill me for trespassing until the next fifty years when my sentence is over, or I get experimented on, then killed in the most excruciating pain with a crowd watching...yeah...uh-huh...okay, well hurry, or else I'll get killed!" she said cheerfully.

I wondered, "Is this girl crazy?" then clapped a hand over my mouth as she turned to look at me.

"I may be...not entirely myself since Lo- he left," she said, choking on her words, on HIS name. I understood.

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