Pain ~Magnus, Peggy~

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As I walked to the cafeteria, I saw a young woman who looked like a skeleton being led away by Tony Stark. As I entered the cafeteria, all eyes were alternately looking at Thor and their food. I asked, "Who was walking with Stark?" or something along those lines.

Thor replied, "Lady Bane, Magnus," and I closed my eyes in sorrow. My daughter was saddened by the loss of her only love and it was difficult, I knew, and she might never recover from this.

I glared at Thor, but he remained oblivious of my glare.

Jace said, "She looked like a zombie." then he sniggered. Simon said, "Jace, she looks like that because of Thor taking Loki away! Sheesh! She might DIE because of him now." Then Jace stopped sniggering and he and Simon glared at Thor in anger.

~Peggy (I bet you were wondering when I'd put her in here!)~

I woke up as usual in my home. I went to put on my robe but I saw my hands.

Instead of being wrinkled, they were smooth. I frowned as I realized that my joints weren't aching as they usually were. I put my robe on, noting with sharper precision than was the norm. I looked in the mirror and gasped.

I was how I was in the 1940s.

I wanted to know how and why this happened, and as I got my SHIELD security badge, which usually reflected how I looked and let it scan my face. That would allow me to go into SHIELD with no problem.

As I got dressed, I spied a piece of paper on my impeccably neat desk.

It said:

Dear Ms. Carter,

 I, Loki of Asgard, have given you your younger years back to you because of love. You once loved Captain Steven Rogers, and I love someone dearly enough to let you be young enough and not on the verge of death. So I have pretended to owe her and here you are. If you ever see her again, please tell her that I fare not well, and tell her I said I love you, Katia Carter-Rogers-Bane. Ms. Carter, thank you. Also, if you see Thor, god of thunder, please hit in- preferably, somewhere where it counts.

  I would be most grateful,

Loki, god of Mischief and Lies, Destroyer of Midgard (Oh, and my sincerest regrets for trying to rule your planet. It was not wise. I shouldn't have tried.)

I put my hand over my mouth; it was because I knew he wasn't lying that tears streamed down my face:

Katia loves him. 

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