Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) Chapter: 1

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Your P.O.V

'Run! I can see the gates up ahead keep going!'

You thought to your self as you ran towards the gates of The Leaf. You finally reach it, only to be stopped by 2 people at a nearby post.

 "Halte! state your name and porpuse!" hey says to you

 "My name is Zara..." you say "Zara?" \

'OH CRAP!' you think. Than an idea pops in your head. You 'borrow' the last name of a friend of yours.

 "Hatake, and im here to live with my father!" you say with a sly smile. The man looks at the other and nods.The other guy gets up and says

 "Follow me". You nod and follow him to the Hokage's Building.

*Hokage's Office*

(Knock Knock)

 "Come in" says a muffle voice from behind the door.You and the other dude walk in and satnd in a room with a few bookshelfs, a chair, a desk, a few windows, and an old man.

"This girl wishes to live here with her father." the man beside you says for you.

 "Thank you, you may leave." and with that the other nin left, leaving you and the Hokage of the Leaf alone.He focases his attection on you and says,

"Your name, porpuse, previous village and father." he says in a calm voice.

 "Zara's the name! Im here to live with my father, didn't really have a village just hopped back an forth, and my father is Kakashi Hatake." you say with a sweet smile.

'I hope he falls for it!' you think.He gives you a shocked look and says,

"I-I'll summon for your father" he manages to say.You give a nod and sit down in the chair right next to you.

*2 minutes later*

"you summoned me?" says the silver haired perv you remember.

"Long time no see dad" you finally speak up with a I'll-explain-later look on your face. Hes looks at you with a shocked face than begins talkin to the Hokage. (you don't know what their saying 'cause you kinda zoned out -.-')

 "well, zara, lets go home" Kakashi says after what seems to be like hours.You nod, say good bye to the Hokage and leave with your so called 'father'.


 "So Zara, tell me when i had a daughter." Kakashi says with an anime stress mark.You explain all that has happened and he understands.

"Your room is upstairs and to the left" he says.

"Thanks daddy!" you say with a cheerful snicker.He sweatdrops.

*Your room*

 You change into a silky purple and silver night gown (you brought it from your previous village)
You hop in bed and fall into a deep sleep.

*The Next Morning*

You wake up the next morning and look at your clock 6:00, you get up, take a shower, slips on your clothes,goes down staris, grab pencil,Ipod (I dont care if they dont exist then but, they do now ^^),and sketch book, put them in your bag, and walks out the door. Not brothering to eat.

 *Outside the School*

 You get there and see a swing in the shadows of a tree, and decide to sit there. You go over, sit down, pulls out Ipod, sketch book, and pencil. You put in your earphones, open your sketch book, turns on Ipod,starts drawing and start to sing.
????? P.O.V

You go to school early, agian, and head to your swing. When you get there you see a beautiful girl with silver hair and purple eyes in your spot.At first you get alittle ticked, but than you shrug it off and start to turn away. Until you hear something that makes you stop and swing back around.You look over and hear the girl singing My immortal by evanescence.

' Wow what a beautiful voice' you think as you move closer.

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