Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) Chapter: 4 -Edited-

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You open your eyes and they all break out in applause the boys even whisteled.You blush and look at your Sensai as he starts to speak.

"That was truely beautiful Zara, thank you, you can go sit by......Sasuke" he points to the boy you met earler.You nod pick up your things and head towards your seat.On your way you hear things like

"I wish I could sing like her!"

"Hey, well, isn't she a hottie!"

"She better not steal my Sasuke-kun!"

You sit down,giggle to yourself, and think 'This outta be fun'.

Story Start!

Sasuke's P.O.V

'I should kill those guys for whilsting at Zara.. wait what am i thinking!?! Im acting as if i like her,..... well she is nice,beautiful, and has a wounderful voice, maybe........' Just than Iruka-Sensai interupted your thoughts.

"Okay class lets start" with that everyone lined up and Sakura was first.

" Alright Sakura here lets do it. Transform!" she said than transformed into Iruka-Sensai.

"Transformed into me... Good" Iruka-Sensai said with a smile.

"Yes i did it! yes!Yeah! Sasuke did you see that?!?" she said. All i did was look at our sensai.

"Sasuke Uchiha your next."

"good luck, sasuke." Zara whispered. I looked at her and smirked. Than stepped foward, and transform into Iruka- Sensai.

"Uhhhh....Good," he says "Zara your next." She was talking to naruto, who smirked, nodded and said

"Iruka-Sensai can me and Zara go together?" he says with that toothy grin of his. 'Why i outta...'

"Umm sure" he says nerviously. They smirk at each other than both step foward.

"TRANSFORM!" They both shout. There is a big poof of somke and when its cleared 2 naked girls are infront of Iruka Sensai.

"Hey Iruka-Sensa don't you want to..." zara says

"date us?" naruto finishes.Iruka-Sensai getts a nose bleed and they both change back.

" Thats our Sexy Jutizu!" They both laugh out while leaning on eachother.

Your P.O.V

"Thats our Sexy Jutizu!" We both say in laughing usion.

"CUT THE STUPIED TRICKS! THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING!!" Iruka-Sensaiyells at us making us shut up.

* Hokage mountains*

"Thanks for helping me Zara" naruto says to me as we clean the paint off the mountain faces, with Irkua-Sensai watching us. 'He finally made a friend.' he thinks with a smile

"No problem, what are friends for?" you say with a smile. Naruto gives you a toothy grin than Iruka-Sensai says

"You 2 are not going home until you've cleaned off every single drop of paint"

"So what its not like there's anyone waiting at home for me!" Naruto says, causing me to frown sadly.We go back to working until he says

"Naruto,Zara" we both look up.

"What do you want now sensai" i say.Naruto nods his head in agreement

"Well, i was just thinking maybe after you've cleaned this all up,I could take you guys out for ramen, the good stuff.What do you think?" We both grow hudge smiles as we look at him.

"Now thats some serious motivation, we'll have this cleanded in no time!" Naruto says and we both start to work 20x harder.

*After words*

"Thanks Iruka-Sensai, see you late Naruto." you say as you kiss his cheak. Hes blushes and rubs the back of his head. You smile walk home, and go to sleep.

You wake up at 2:00 am knowing that once you wake up you can't go back to sleep.You decide to go on the roof and look at the moon.You get up there and see someone else on their roof so you decide to see who it is. Sasuke.

"Hey.." you say as you come and sit next to him.

"Hmp...." he says as he looks at the moon. You sign and decide to look at the moon.

"So why did you come to this village?" Sasuke asks breaking the scilence.

"Well i came here for one reason and one reason only. Im tired of being alone, so i decided to come live on my- i mean with my dad." you catch yourself from saying 'on my own' and look at him. He was glaring up at the moon with hurt, and pain filled eyes.

"Sasuke?" you say as you place a hand on his shoulder. He flinches but looks back at you.

"Why do you care? You just met me less than 24 hours ago and your acting like you've known me all your life." He says coldly. You frown at this.

"Listen, i know what it's like to feel pain. And Sasuke, I know what its like so even though I've only just met you, I want you to know that I'll be here for you, no matter what others say." You saw his eyes widden but than soften as he looked at you.

"When I was younger my brother killed my entire clan." He whispered angerly. You nodded, remembering what Itachi had told you when you were in the Akatsuki. You smiled and wrapped your arms around him from behind.

"You know Sasuke,I have a feeling that he still loves you, even after all he's done." You whispered before getting up and turning to leave.

"Oyasuminasai." you said before jumping off of the roof an into to night.

Sasuke P.O.V

You sat there on the roof, awestruck. But your shocked face turned into a rare smile.

"I like her, i like her alot." you said to no one. And then you too stood up and jumped off the roof, vanishing from sight.

Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now