Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) Chapter: 23

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After Sakura said that Naruto ran to a bush.

"I gotta go!" He said and starting undoing his pants. Sasuke growled and put a hand over my eyes. Even though I didnt see, my hearing told me that Sakura just fit Naruto, hard.

"Not in front of me! Go find a bush or something!" I heard a groan and footsteps walking away and Sasuke took his hand away from my eyes. I smirked at his protectiveness and he blushed a little and looked away. About five minutes later 'Naruto' came back and grinned.

"Wow! I was able to write my whole name!" If it was Naruto than I would have laughed but instead I punched him right in the jaw. Sakura gasped and said,

"Zara-sama, it wasnt that bad. Dont you think your going a little overboard?"

"Yeah what the heck was that all about-" 'Naruto' said but was stopped by Sasuke kicking him in the face. The imposter jumped away and up to a tree branch. I appeared behind him and punched him to the ground.

"Your right Sakura! I think they've gone crazy!" 'Naruto' said. Sasuke glared and said,

"Yeah you wish, we just struck before you could!" We pulled out kunis and had a threeway battle with 'Naruto'. When we jumped away from each other Sakura said,

"Zara-sama, Sasuke. What are you doing?"

"Take a good look at him Sakura. Wheres the scratch on his cheek? And if you didnt notice Naruto is right handed! So why would his shirikin pouch be on his left leg?" I said, Sasuke nodded and turned to look and the fake Naruto.

"Your transformation is worse than Naruto's. Tell us who you are!" It turned out to be a guy from the Rain. He tried to take our scroll, which was hid saftly in the puch tied to my leg under my dress. We were able to chase him away for the time being. When Naruto came back Sasuke huddled us in a circle and said,

"Listen, we need a password, we cant go trusting appearinces. It has to be a secret one, known only to the four of us and dont trust anyone who dosnt know it, no matter what. Alright listen closely, because im only going to say this once. The question will be: When does a ninja strike? And the response is: A ninja waits until the time is right, when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard. When his weapoins lay forgotten in the night. That is the moment for a ninja to strike." I wiggled my eyebrows and said,

"Oooo my mans a poet." Sasuke blushed, growled and turned away as me and Sakura giggled. After we were done he said,

"Got it?" Sakura nodded and so did I.

"Y-Ya got one a little shorter?" Naruto asked, causing me to sweatdrop. Sakura scolded him and Sasuke said,

"No Naruto, thats it." Him and Sakura got into a conversation about his short term memory while I layed my head on Sasukes soulder and messed with his hair.

"Hay Sasuke?"


"Has anyone ever told you that your hair looks like a ducks rear?" His eyebrow twiched and he said,

"Has anyone ever told you that you look like a Hanyo (half-demon)?" I chuckled and said,

"Touché" He rolled his eyes in amusement and stood up, causing me to fall on the ground. I glared at him as he looked down at me and smirked.

"Alright, Zara, I'll take the scroll now." I nodded and reached for it when something flew past Narutos cheek.

"W-What the?" We all looked in the direction it came  from only to see a giant wave of wind heading towards us. Sasuke grabbed me a turned his back so that he was facing the wave.

"What is it now?!" I yelled over the wind. He looked down at me and said,

"I dont know, but I dont like it." In the distance I heard voices then sounds of footsteps running away. Sasuke pulled me into a bush and we watched. There was a rustle behind us and when we turned we saw Sakura. She started walking towards us when I summoned an ice spear and pointed it to her throat.

"Whats the password?" I said. She nodded and repeated it perfectly. I smiled and lowered my staff.

"Good job Onee-chan." Her eyes widned and she said,


(A/N: Remember this! Important!!)"Its already been decided, your my sister. Until the very end!" Her shock soon wore off and she gave a warm smiled and nodded, which I happily returned.

"Heyy! What up?! You guys ok!?" We tunred and saw 'Naruto' comming towards us. Sakura stopped him and asked him what the password was and he said it perfectly, word for word. I smirked and chucked the spear at him, which in turn grazed his arm and he fell to the ground.

"What was that?! You could have killed me!" Sasuke glared at him and said,

"Gotta hand it to ya, your quicker than the last one!"

"But he got the password word for word!" Sakura said.

"Thats exactually whats wrong. Could Naruto really memorize that? And get it word for word? Not my best friend, not in a million years." I said.

"Your right." Sakura said.

"Besides you saw the way this guy moved when he dodged Zaras attack. Thats definatly not something Naruto could do. Alright come on out, partys over." Sasuke said. 'Naruto' started at us for a moment then grinned wickedly and licked his lips.

"Aren't we the clever one." He said in a female voice. There was a poof of smoke and that creepy sound girl took the place of 'Naruto'.

"Tell me, if your teammate is really that dimwitted, why woulld you come up with a password he'd never be able to remember?" she said.

"You see it wasnt ment for Naruto, so much as anybody who might happen to be near by trying to listen in on us. It was ment as a trap that you stumbled right into." Sasuke replyed smugly. The girl took off her hat and smirked at us.

"Im impressed, you certanly havent dropped your guard have you? This promises to be very entertaining." She licked her had causing shivers to run down her spine. She turned her gazed to me and smirked agian, causing a little pain to come to my back. It wasnt as bad as last time, its more like getting pinched. She pulled out an earth scroll and swolled it whole.

 "When this is all over, one of us will have both scrolls, and the other, " she pulled down her eye a little and looked at us.

"Will be dead."

 I as Sakura and Sasuke fell to the ground, but nothing happened to me . I just stood shaking vilontly. The girl smirked and looked at me. Then she did something worse than what she had done to them.

She made me remember...


 Harus pic on the side ----------->

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