Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) Chapter: 9

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"Squad 7, Naruto Uzumaki , Sakura Haruno,"at this Naruto shout up in the air and Sakura slamed her head on her desk "Sasuke Uchiha," Sakura now shot up in the air and Naruto slamed his head on his desk, "and Zara." This time Naruto and Sakura shot up in the air, and by the small smirk on his face Sasuke felt the same way.

~Story Start~

Naruto stands up, slams his fist into the desk , points to Sasuke and shouts


"The idea is to balance your strengths that's why you ended up together! Out of 27 of you Sasuke was in tie for the best grades Naruto! You would be the bottom of the class!".

"Wait who did I tie with?" sasuke speaks up.

"That would be me." you say as you grin at him and he grins at you.He than looks and Naruto and says

"Just don't drag us down...loser."


"Just stop Naruto!" you shout which makes him go quite and looks at you.

"Why are you defending him?" he asks quitley. This makes sasuke intrested and he looks at you. All eyes on you.

"Because first of all: My head is starting to pound! Second of all: I don't like to see my friends fight and third of all: I don't want 2 of my new teammates dead befor we even go on a mission!" you say.Naruto just rubs the back of his head and Sasuke blushes.

"Ok everyone ill be introducing your new sensai's this afternoon, For now you are dismissed," Iruka-Sensai says.Everyone gets up and leaves. You were grabing your stuff when sasuke stops you and says,

"Do you want to have lunch together.(blush)"

"Sure! i would love to!" you say and with that you and sasuke are out the door.

*Sasuke's house*

You 2 are leaning on the outside window seal talking and eating rice balls when a rope comes from behind you and ties you and sasuke up chest to chest (Wow) and drags you both in.You 2 land inside with sasuke on top of you. By this time your both as red as a tomato.

"Hey who the he- NARUTO!" sasuke shouts as he looks up

"SHH keep it down you idiot!"

"Ok naruto I understand you tying up sasuke but why me too?" you ask in a pouting voice.

"Because you might tell! Sorry zara!" he says as he leans down and duct tapes both of your mouths shut.

"Huumm umafmuu umma fumm UMM!" you scream

"sorry!" he transforms into sasuke and jumps out of the window leaving you and sasuke in a awkard pose. You just sit there and stare into eachothers eyes for a whiletrying to find a way out.

'I could get used to this' you both think.


'How can i over-whelm by looks? I mean Zara has me there.Im so short changed in the T&A department! Unlike zara the only thing about me thats over sized is my forhead!' Sakura thought as she sat on a bench. She than sees sasuke leaning on a tree nearby.

'It's Sasuke! and he's looking at me with bedroom eyes! Like he can see right through me!' she thinks.

*Sakura's mind*

"You have such a noble brow! so charming.. i could kiss it!" sasuke says

"That's what its there for!" a happy sakura replys.

Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now