Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) Chapter: 18

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Hey! A little note for this chapter, when Its Zara's P.O.V than its my version of dying. Like, when they saw dont go into the light? Well I put my own little twist on it. Oh! And by the way when It is in Italic than that means their dreaming. Ok? Ok. And while their in the dream mode everything is still happening, like during Zara's P.O.V Naruto is still fight Haku, and Kakashi with Zabuza. And no Zara's not in heaven and Sasuke is not in hell.Got it? Good ^^


Sasuke P.O.V


No answer.

"Hey, c-come on this i-isnt funny."


"Damnit Zara! Open your eyes!"


I shook her but she never opened her eyes, she didnt even move. My tears seemed to have no end as I pleaded for a soul I knew was gone. I was trembling as I held her limb body in her arms. I started down at my love, my world. The pain was numbing and my chest ached for her warmth. But It never came. Zara, the one I had promised to protect, died in my arms and I was too weak to help her. Knowing that I would never see that warm smile agian made the fire in my body burn with dispair. And ontop off all that, her last words were 'I love you.'. But know that shes gone, I don't find comfort in the words any longer. I slowly and carefully set her on the ground and stood above her. My body was numb but than a new feeling surfaced, one that over came the pain.


My blood ran cold and there was a burning sensation in my eyes. Everything was clearer now, I could see every little thing. Some how through my rage, I had managed to unlock it.

The Sharingan.

I looked back at Naruto and saw him trembling with wide eyes looking at Zara. Tears poured out of his eyes and dropped onto the ground, I dont even think he noticed he was crying. I turned my ruby eyes to the mirrors to see Haku in a defencesive form. I walked closer to the mirror and glared at him, trying to figure out his next move. He stood for a moment longer and than fired an attack at Naruto. I didnt expect this and rushed full speed to stop him. I knocked Haku down, but not before he was able to deliver the final blow.

"Y-You always, get in the way N-Naruto." I said in a shaky voice.

"You beat him Sasuke!" He said but then he stopped. I didnt have to turn my back to know his expression. I slowly looked over my shoulder and to him.

"You s-should see the look on your face....y-you look like at total loser." He sat up and said,

"Wait why did you..save me? Why did you do it?" I felt a tear pool in one eye.

"I dont k-know, my body just moved." Memories, so many memories of Naruto, so many of her. I face forward and grunted.

"Y-You, I hated you."

"Then why? Why did you protect me!?"

"Y-You.. were her best f-friend. S-she wouldnt forgive m-me if I sat back and l-let you die" He growled and yelled,

"I didnt ask for this! I didnt ask for you to save me!" The tear fell and my body gave out but I didnt hit the ground. I looked up and saw Naruto.

"I-I let her die, N-Naruto...Zara. I-I promised myself i-id protect her, that i-id stand by h-her till t-the very end. N-Naruto dont break y-your promises. D-Dont back down." His eyes widened as he heard my words. I used the strenght I had left and looked over towards Zara. She looked so calm, so peaceful. I smiled and looked back at Naruto. He was starting at Zara with a pained expression but once he realised I was looking at him he seemed to have gotten my message. He picked me up and layed me right next to her. My eyes watered as I brought a shaking hand up to stroke her face. So beautiful. At least now we could be together. I slowly slipped my hand into hers, and though it was cold, I still felt the sparks. My vision spotted with black and with one last look at her,

Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now