Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) Chapter: 30

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I stared straight at him, my eyes emotionless. My heart ached as did my whole body. The thorns dug deeper into my flesh causing more blood to soak my dress. By now tears had began to flow from my dull eyes, streaming over the vine on my mouth and hitting the cold ground with soft 'plop's. The room was silent, but of course, my favortie knuckle head ninja had to ruin it.

"Come on Zara-chan!! Dont give up!! Beat this punk!"

The room fell silent, the only sound being the soft dripping of my tears. Suddenly, another voice filled the room. Sakura...

"Come on Zara-onee-chan! You can do it!"

Phienox stared up at them; something in his eyes made my anger burn. I clenched my fists, but the vines grew tighter. I yelped in pain but it was muffled by the plant. I couldnt move a muscle without these damn plants tightening?! Thats when I heard it, the voice, that for some reason, made my heart flutter.

"Fight, Zara."

I looked up, and the first eyes I met were his. There was something in those beautiful eyes of his that pumped adreniline through my veins. His lips twitched upward, but only for a moment. That small smile...that did the trick. I felt my eyes changing, my fangs growing longer and sharper, as did my nails. A chuckle passed through my lips, before I dug my teeth into the vine. Jerking my head back, I ripped the vine in half, the throrns cutting my tongue and gums. Phienox turned his eyes from Naruto and Sakura; his gaze landing on me. I smirked at him, blood dripping from my mouth and running down my chin. His eyes widened and he took a step back, but I was quicker. Within a moment I was close to him, my mouth to his ear as I whispered softly;

"I hope your ready to die, Phinie-chan~"

His breath hitched and before I knew it he threw a punch towards my face. I smirked slightly as ice shot out from my hand, wrapping around his fist and trapping it. He growled and jerked his hand back but it wouldnt come out of the frozen grip. The Ice trailed up his body, slowly covering his whole arm. What I hadent seen was the hand signs he was forming behind his back with his free hand, thats why the sudden thorns under my feet caught me off guard. Luckily I was able to manuver throught the giant spikes, only getting slightly grazed by their sharp ends. I glared at him, my violet eyes burning with hatred. Jumping into the air, I quickly made handsigns before I slammed my fists into the ground. It split in half, large spears of ice coming up from the cracks. They stabbed him all over his body, his teeth gritting in pain. Glareing at me, he made more handsigns with his hand before fire spewed from his mouth. It was hot enough the melt the frozen lock on his arm but not the spears around him. He jumped up, landing in a crouching position on the railing infront of Choji. He opened his palm, a red chakra rose forming in his hand. I took a step back, a bit of fear pooling in my stomach. I knew this move...Crap. He plucked a petal from the rose, causing it to expand and grow into an eight pointed shuriken twice the size of him. He smirked at me as the weapon lit a flame. In one swift movement of the arm he sent it my way. I turned to run, but it was faster then I was. Blood seeped from the large wound it had carved into my back, another edge cutting an even deeper wound into both my legs. Blood splattered on the cement floor as the shiriken poofed away, leaving me to fall to my knees. I shakily reached behind me, placing my hand over the wound before bringing it to my face. Blood dripped from my hand yet it was hard to tell due to my blurring vision. I turned, growling at Phienox before lunging at him. He met me halfway, our punches in kicks faster then light. Soon we both sprang back, skidding on the floor while dust formed. I formed a katana in my hand, running to charge at him. He fell to his knees, his breath coming out in short pants. I could tell the he was done, the amount of chakra he used and the wounds began to weaked him. But as I went at him, I saw something in his eyes, something I always saw in Sasukes. Thats when I realized it...Maybe after all hes done...I still....I crashed onto my knees, sliding to him. My body pressed agianst his, our noses practically touching. With a small smile, I raised the sword behind his back and ran it through his heart, but also through mine.


Narutos voice echoed in my ears as my body slumped forward agianst Phienoxes. His eyes were wide, tears dripping off his face as he slowly began to die. With my last breath and with one last tear, I whispered,

"Now we'll be connected...forever.."

Then, it all went black.

Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now