Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) Chapter: 15 -Edited-

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Sasuke P.O.V

She fell foward but you caught her befor she could hit the ground. You lifted her up bridal style and looked at Kakashi.

"You have some explaining to do." you said as you turned and began walking in the direction of Tazuna's house


You woke up to find yourself in a room laying down on the floor with a blanket draped over you. When you opened your eyes you saw Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke in your face.


"AHHHHH!!!" they all yelled as they jumped back.

"W-What were you doing!?!" you yelled as you pointed a finger at them. The room went silent.

"You could have told us." sasuke said as he looked at you with a bit of hurt in his eyes.

"Yeah Zara-sama, we would have understood." Sakura said sadly.

"We would still be your friends!" Naruto said as he looked down. You looked at Kakashi and he nodded his head.

"No." you said as your bangs cast a shadow over your eyes. "You wouldn't understand-" but before you could say something sasuke hugged you.You were very suprised, Sasuke only did this when it was just you and him. Not in public.

"It's ok that you have the three tails. But, no matter what, I will always accept you." he whispered in your ear so only you could hear. You hugged him back and said.

"Thank you." he let go of you and sat by your side. He grabbed your hand and gave it a squeze.

"Well now you know guys." you said as you looked away from sasuke and smiled.

"Are you alright?" you heard from behind you. You turned around and saw a woman in her thirties with blue hair behind you.

"Yes, and thank you. " you said as you got up and streched.

"Don't worry things will get better! Believe it!" Naruto said once Kakashi was done explaining how Zabuza was still alive. You were very relived, but a bit worried.

"I don't belive it! And nothing's going to be good." you heard a little boy say.

"Who are you!?!" Naruto asked. Well, more like yelled.

"aahhhh Inari where have you been?" Tazuna asked as he opened his arms.

"Welcome back grandpa!" Inari shouted as he ran into his arms.

"Inari! That was rude. That Ninja over there risked her life and brought him back saftly." His mother said.

"It's ok. It's ok. Im rude to them too." Tazuna said as he patted the kid's head.

"Mom! Don't you see?!? Theses people are going to die! Gato's men are going to get them and wipe them out!"You and naruto got a major eye twich and stood up.

"Listen up brat!" Naruto said as you stood beside him.

"Do you know what a super ninja is? Well that's us only alot better! We're powerful ninja! This Gato is no match for heros like us!" You said as you pointed to him

"Ha. there's no such thing as a hero.Your just full of stupid ideas!" the kid said.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!" Naruto said as he charged but sakura caught him just in time.The kid left and you followed after him. You opened his door just a crack and saw him on his desk, holding a picture and crying while saying something about his father.

"Him too....." you whispered as you took pity on the kid.


"Trainging starts now." Dad said as he held onto a crutch. Sakura said something about chakra but you kinda had a little argument with your demon so you didn't really catch anything.

Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) [Discontinued]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum