Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) Chapter: 20

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"Its about time! Come on lets go shopping!" Ino said.

Heres what happened. I was sleeping peacefully in a tree in Sasukes arms when Sakura Ino and Hinata came and told me I needed some girl time. I had no idea what that was so I asked Sasuke. He said he didnt know so I decided to see what it was. So here I am now.

"Whats shopping?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. They all gasped and Sakura said,

"You dont know what shopping is?!"

"Nope *Pops the P.*" Ino grabbed my wrist and they started dragging me somewhere. We got to a big building that I had never seen before and I asked,

"Where are we?"

"This is a mall Zara-sama, this is a mall." Ino said. I nodded and they took me inside. I looked around and saw alot of stores and a few stands in the walk ways. Sakura slamed her fist into her hand  and said,

"First we need to get you a new outfit!" I looked over at her and said,

"Why?" Ino's eyebrow twiched and she said,

"You can't keep wearing that all the time! I mean its like your just asking to get raped Zara-sama!" I looked down at my purple boob tube, short shorts, and my purple boots and agreed with them. They dragged me to a few different stores before we finally found something. Sakura dragged me into a place called Magic and we started to look around.

"I found one!" Sakura said and pulled it off of the rack. It was a pink toto with a pink shirt with a big heart on the front. I growled and said,

"I am an all powerful wolf demon, not a five year old ballerina!" The other two girls giggled and Sakura pouted and put it back on the rack. Ino and Hinata went to another part of the store and tried to find something. I looked through more clothes for a little while longer when Hinata finally found something. (In the pic----->)

"Hinata.. I love it!" I said as I tilted my head to the side and smiled. She blushed and smiled back. I bought it and then said good bye to everyone. Once I got home I went straight to bed.

*Next day*

I arrived at the acadamy with Sakura. When the boys saw me in my new ninja outfit they got nosebleeds, which inturn made me and Sakura giggle. Once we started walking Sasuke grabbed my and and held it tight. I smiled at him and he smirked back. When we were inside there was a fight by the door. 2 guys were kicking around a guy with a green jumpsuit. All the people there really thought it was room 301. I looked back at Sasuke, it looked like he was thinking the same thing too.

"Delicate little girls dont belong here." I heard one of them say.

"Nice speech, now both of you step aside, and let us through, while your at it reverse the genjutsu." Sasuke said. I smirked and walked towards them.

"You noticed that didnt you Sakura, after al you are the smartest off all the genin." She looked shocked for a minute but then grinned and said,

"Yeah we're only on the 2nd floor!" The guy with the spiky hair smirked at me and said,

"So you noticed. But now lets see if you can handle this!" He aimed a kick at me but I stopped it with one finger. Before he could kick agian the jumpsuit guy got in the way and blocked the attack for me. I heard Sakura gasp and the guy let go of the other guys leg. He turned to me and started at me for a minute. A boy with Hinatas eyes and a girl with two buns stepped towards us and the guy said,

"I thought we were supposed to keep a low profile." He turned and said,

"I know, but." He stopped and turned back to me with a blush on his face.

"My name is Rock Lee, you are Zara. Right?"

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