Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) Chapter: 8 -Edited-

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"Thanks for the ramen, Sasuke. See you tomorrow." she turns to open the door but stops, turns back to you and does the thing you least expect her to do. She kisses you on the forhead. By the time she pulls away, you can feel your face turn blazing hot.She smiles and goes into her house.

Leaving you blushing like an idiot on her doorstep.


You stand there for several minutes before pulling yourself together and walking back home.

'Not were i would prefer her to kiss me but, hey, that was good enough.' you thought as you walked into your house and went to bed.

~~Story Start


Normal P.O.V

You woke up at 5:30. Supriseingly enough you got alot of sleep.You did the rutine and headed out for school.When you got there you and Uchiha were the olny ones there yet.You took youre seat next to Sasuke and put in your Ipod.Sasuke was starting at you the whole time, even when the others starts to come in.You reached into your bag after, seeing sasuke's headband around his forhead,and pulled out your own.You tied it sucurely around your waist and pulled out your sketch book and pencil. You started to flip through the pages filled with pictures of the village, students, Naruto, kiba, sasuke and other things.You could tell sasuke was amazed because he leaned over your shoulder to get a better look.You got to a blank page and started to draw the sharingan. He was about to ask you how you knew the KG when Naruto comes in and sits next to you. He turns and faces you as you put away the sketch book and pencil in your bag, and sasuke turns away from you two.

"Hey Naruto! You made it!" you shout as you see his headband.

"Sure did!" he says back. Shickamaru walks by and notices Naruto and says

"Why are you here? Today's explanatory meeting is only for those who graduated."

"Hey, can you not see this headband? Starting today, I'm also a ninja!"


"How should I say this... This looks really good on me, eh?" naruto says with a goofy smile. You start to giggle.Just than Sakura and Ino came bursting through the door, where they both appear to be victorious.

"Goal!" they both shout.

"I win again, Sakura."

"What are you talking about? My toe entered the class before yours by a centimeter."

"Are you blind?" she yells to pinki

"Sakura...." Naruto whispers, while a coat of pink appers on his cheeks.She looks around the room than her eyes fall on Sasuke. Naruto must of thought she was looking at him because he blushed even deeper.She smiles and runs over to were m, Naruto and Sasuke are sitting.Naruto stands up and says,

"Hey Sakura what's up?"

"Move it!" she says and she pushes naruto out of his seat. (The seating is naruto on the left you in the middle and Sasuke on the right.)

"Uh, good morning Sasuke." she says.Sasuke just looks at her.Than she looks at you with a death glare.She opens her mouth to say something when you stand up with your bangs covering your eyes. She stays quite and looks at you along with all the others in the class.

"Your name is Sakura correct?" you say still having your bangs in your eyes.

"Y-Yes." she says kinda of scared. You turn to her and its like the moment where there are roses around the screne and you smile at her and say,

"My, your as beautiful as the flower, and your forhead, I must admit im a bit jealous." you say to her with a all-to-sweetsmile. All the boys have hearts in their eyes and are staring at you.Sakura turns a dark red and says,

"T-Thank you, can I sit there?" she says as she points to your seat.

"Im sorry, but Iruka-Sensai put me here, I would gladly move but i don't want to go agianst his orders, but, "you say as you stick out your pinky finger to her, " I won't steal Sasuke from you, infact, I'll be rooting for you, Sakura." you say with the smile. She smiles back and links her pinky with yours.

"You know, Zara, I think we'll make good friends." she says

"I hope so." you say as you smile, yet agian. All the boys in the background are like

"KIAYYYYY ZARA-KUN IS SOOOO CUTE!!!". You smile at Sakura as she finds a differnt seat.You sit back down and look over at Sasuke.To your suprise you see Naruto right in Sasuke's face.

"NARUTO! HEY STOP GLARING AT SASUKE!" Sakura yells from were ever the hell she is. Naruto looks at her with a hurt face than looks at you, than back at Sasuke.At that moment you see lightning between them and you look like -_-'. 'That's my best friend alright' you think you yourself. All the girls (except for you) start yelling at Naruto to move away from sasuke.You just sit there and watch the scene fold out.Then a guy behind accidentally hits naruto in the back causeing him to lean forward, connecting Sasuke's lips to his.Seeing this you pulled Naruto off of him and pointed to the girls.Naruto was to busy trying to clean his toung to notice you.Naruto than stops and says,

"Danger" than he turns around to see all the girls giving him death glares.

"Naruto, you are so dead." Sakura says.

"Hey Woo it was an accident!!"Sakura gets a death look on her face and starts to crack her knuckles.

"Your Finished!" she says.Naruto looks at you with a pleading face but you shake your head and watch as the girls beat the life out of Naruto.The whole time you were watching you didn't notice Sasuke looking at you.

~2 minutes later~

"You will all be put in squads, lead by a jonnin, an eliet ninja." Everyone looked up.You heard Ino and Sakura talking behind you.

"Well someone has to be in Sasuke's group,I wonder who," Ino said

"I donno" Sakura said.

'Ugg groups of three, that will only slow me down, unless Zara and I are on a team than that will turn out well,' Sasuke thought.

'I want to be with Sakura and Zara. But NOT Sasuke.' Naruto thought.

"I will now announce the squads, keep in mind that there will be one squad of 4."He announced the first 6 squads and than you heard your name.

"Squad 7, Naruto Uzumaki , Sakura Haruno,"at this Naruto shout up in the air and Sakura slamed her head on her desk "Sasuke Uchiha," Sakura now shot up in the air and Naruto slamed his head on his desk, "and Zara Hatake." This time Naruto and Sakura shot up in the air, and by the small smirk on his face Sasuke felt the same way.

Lost in the Darkness (A Sasuke love story) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now