Once Inside

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I woke up in a room only Adam was there "Morning sunshine, sleep well" Adam said  "oh fuck you, where am I" I said sitting on the bed "we are in your new home, like I said we want to give you a second chance" Adam said looking at me "who's we" I asked "right now you need to get yourself clean and in uniform" Adam said throwing a towel and some cloth to me "thanks where's the shower in this room" I asked looking for another door "right here" Adam said walking to a wall with a switch and when he flipped it the wall slide back and then to the right revealing a bathroom "I'll  be right outside waiting for you, oh and don't try anything with the fence, it's electrified" Adam said walking outside.

I start to mimic Adam "oh and don't try anything with the fence it's electrified, pffft yeah right" I walked inside and touch the fence releasing a huge shock to me "SON OF A BITCH" I yelled in pain while Adam laugh outside the door "I told you not to try anything with the fence" Adam yelled.

I started to take a quick shower and got dressed and as I walked out the bathroom the door closed behind me "well that's not creepy at all" I said as I walked outside the room "are you ready ?" Adam asked "I took three guards in prison and three guys here, what kind of question is that" I said sarcastically walking in front of Adam "nice tattoo" Adam said walking passing me "you weren't supposed to see that dumbass" I said moving my shirt a little up covering the tattoo, "don't worry I won't tell anyone" Adam said opening a big steal door.

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