Im Sorry

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15 minutes of torturing stiles it was already midnight "I guess we will continue tomorrow stiles sleep tight" Daniel said leaving laughing and Derek stayed behind "aren't you coming Derek" Daniel asked "no I'll see if I can get information out of him without electrocuting him" Derek answer mad and walking pass Daniel bumping him and entering stiles room.

Stiles was looking down exhausted of being electrocuted and he was breathing heavily "hey look Arne are you okay" Derek run towards stiles with a glass of water that he brought in "w-what do y-you want" stiles tried to speak but couldn't he was too exhausted "I'm trying to help you" Derek said giving stiles a little water, stiles drank and swallowed the water "no you can tell if I'm lying or not" stiles asked looking at Derek and then down "actually no, no I'm not" Derek said realms sing stiles chains.

Stiles fell to the ground and Derek got on his knees fast but when he got down stiles grabbed his neck chocking him "Y-you betrayed me" stiles said with tears in his eyes "I-i trusted you and y-you drugged me" stiles said crying and chocking Derek harder "I-I'm sorry stiles I didn't wanted to betrayed you b-because I love you" Derek said trying to break free from stiles grip "w-what" stiles said in shock real easing Derek "I-i love you too" stiles kissed Derek hard and passionately "let's get out of here" Derek said pulling away from the kiss but then kissing him again "w-wait what about Ethan and Aden" stiles asked worried about his friends "we are going the break them free too" Derek said opening the door and looking around to see if it was clear "clear let's go" Derek said opening the door and running and stiles followed behind "we have to make it to the training room that's our way out" Derek said looking at stiles "no wait on my tour I saw an car elevator we free Ethan and Aden and we run for it" stiles suggested "great idea and I know the way so we can grab guns" Derek said "where is Scott" stiles asked "Isaac knock him out I think if he woke up he left and if he didn't then he's probably still there" Derek said moving forward and taking a right turn "okay then let's get Ethan and Aden out" stiles said following Derek "if we get it in taking you to dinner" Derek said looking at stiles and then opening a big steel door where Ethan and Aden were in a prison "stiles" Ethan said walking towards the glass "and Derek" Ethan said frowning "guys we are here to help you" stiles said looking for some button or key to open the door "stiles hide" Derek said hiding behind the door and stiles hide behind a table that was there as two guards walked in Derek took one down and stiles took the other one "how did you know they were coming" stiles asked Derek "dude it's lunch time" Derek said "well they didn't walked in with food to be exactly" stiles said looking at the guards "then they want to kill you" Derek said grabbing the key "here" Derek threw the key to stiles and stiles opened the door "let's go guys" stiles said walking out the door but when he walked out a guard shot him on the elbow "Son of a" stiles stopped to hold his elbow and Derek walked out and shot the guard killing him and then turning to stiles "are you okay" Derek said taking his shirt off and wrapping it around stiles shoulder "I-I'm fine now" stiles said blushing bright red "here" Derek threw the gun at Ethan and then carrying stiles up bridal style "really Derek" stiles said holding his shoulder so he wouldn't bleed out "it's my arm not my leg" stiles said sarcastically "shut up and let me help you" Derek said walking out the door.

Ethan and Aden followed behind them but guards kept going to them and Ethan and Aden shooting them "hey Ethan grab that gun and hand it over" stiles said pointing to a gun "here" Ethan said giving the gun to stiles "since you're playing hero" stiles said removing his hand from his shoulder and grabbing the gun "I'll protect you too" stiles said cocking the gun "okay guys turn left" Derek commanded walking to a car, as they arrived Aden open a door so Derek can set stiles down and closed the door "do you really think you can escape" Daniel said locking the car door with some beeper he had "stiles" Derek turned to look at the car "Derek I can't open it" stiles said trying to open the door but couldn't "let him go Daniel" Ethan said pointing at Daniel "just let us go" Derek said turning around, stiles shot the window but couldn't since it was bulletproof "it won't break" stiles said smashing the window but it still didn't break "well I'm sorry but I can't let you escape" Daniel said and then pointing at Aden shooting him in the stomach "NOOOOO" Ethan screamed dropping his gun and running to Aden that was on the floor holding is stomach "Aden look at me you can't die, You can't die okay" Ethan said crying "why are you doing this Daniel" Derek said grabbing Ethan gun "you're making a mist" Derek got caught off by a huge explosion happening over them "what was that" Daniel asked looking at the roof.

Another explosion occurred breaking the ceiling between Daniel and Derek separating them "you think I'll leave my friends behind" Scott said smirking "Scott" stiles yelled "yep buddy" Scott said walking towards the car "step back" Scott told stiles and stiles moved back and Scott grabbed a thin bomb and putting it in the middle of the car door and when he detonated it the door busted open "dude you're the best" stiles said then fainted because he lost a lot of blood and the car seats had blood all over them "we need to get out here" Derek said walking to stiles and carrying him out "I-i can't leave him" Ethan said still crying and with Aden in his arms "e-Ethan" Aden tried to speak "shh shh we are going to get you out okay just hold on" Ethan said crying and hugging tighter his brother "I-I love you okay" Aden said closing his eyes "Aden, aden no please no just don't" Ethan said crying and hugging his brother tight.

Scott walked towards Ethan and put his hand on his shoulder "we have to go Ethan" Scott said "o-okay" Ethan said carrying his brother and standing up "I'm not leaving him here he deserves to be buried with our family" Ethan said sobbing "hey asses I found a way out of here" Isaac and Allison were in the elevator "traitors" Scott said pointing a gun to Isaac "wait, wait we are sorry I did well we did something that OverSite approves" Isaac explained "yeah and Derek taught us that it doesn't matter" Allison said "and what's that" Scott said angry "you can't fall in love" Derek said looking at stiles "exactly" Isaac said looking at Scott  "and that's what I did" Allison said "yeah and me too" Isaac said looking at Scott but then away "so are we going or not" Isaac said waiting for them "let's go" Scott said running to the elevator "wait how are we going to leave" Derek asked "I didn't came alone" Scott said smirking.

Once they were at the surface they saw a huge plane "get in losers we are going to California" Nick said drinking alcohol "really Scott" Ethan said with his brother in his arms "yep" Scott said running to the plane and getting inside "well we better get going" Allison said running to the plane and Isaac followed her "well you're not awake to give me a sarcastic answer so I'll go to" Derek said running to the plane and getting in and setting stiles down and then closing the door.

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