Time To Apologize

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A day passed and stiles was allowed to leave the hospital and driving to stiles house after 15 minutes they arrived and they knocked on the door and the sherif opened the door "I'm here for my stuff" stiles said walking inside "may I come in sir" Derek said "sure kid" John said and Derek followed stiles to his room "are you going to apologize" Derek said as he watched stiles packed everything in a sute case "no, he blamed me for my mother death Derek he blamed me for her death" stiles said not folding his cloth just throwing it on the site case "do you want some help" Derek asked stiles "I just" stiles sigh and drop a jacket he was holding "yes please" stiles said getting down to grabbed the jacket "here let me" Derek helped stiles and after 15 minutes they Finnish packing stiles stuff "hey look at me" Derek said grabbing stiles hand "I love you okay never forget that" Derek pulled stiles close to him and kissed stiles "I love you too now let's go I can't be here any longer" stiles said closing his sute case, Derek grabbed stiles stuff and put it in the car "are you ready to go stiles" Derek asked stiles looking at him "no, no I'm not" stiles said walking inside and running to his father "I do forgive you" stiles hugged his dad crying "I love you dad and you're the only family I have" stiles said "I love you too son" John said hugging his son tight "but I have to go my life is not normal anymore I mean look at me I'm a criminal supposed to be secret agent but escaped and I'm now on the run I can't stay with you" stiles said pulling away "I know son I know" John said "I love you dad" stiles said walking away "wait" John stopped stiles "I was going to give this to you for your birthday but since you won't be here" John said giving stiles a large sute case "what is it" stiles asked grabbing the sute case "just don't open it here or I'm taking it away" John said with a smile "thanks dad I love you but I got to run see you soon I guess" stiles said grabbing the large sute case and entering the car "now your ready to go" Derek looked at stiles with a smile and then gave a weird look to the sute case "yeah Sourwolf I was born ready" stiles said laughing "don't call me that" Derek said driving away fast.

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