At The Bar

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As they entered the restaurant walking towards the bar "we should probably take a table since I'm not old enough to drink" stiles said looking at Ethan "maybe we should" Ethan said looking at stiles and then at the host "table for 7 please" Ethan said to the host "right this way please" the host said grabbing 7 menus and walking them to their table "table for 7 right here I'll get you a waiter right away" The host said while walking away "what will you like to drink stiles" Ethan asked looking at stiles with a smile "I don't know actually" stiles said grabbing a menu "stiles do you want to taste what I'm drinking and if you like it do you want me to order you one" Derek asked looking at the margaritas on the menu "what are you having then Derek" stiles asked leaning to see Derek's menu "I'm having a frozen mango margarita stiles, if you like it I'll order you one" Derek suggested "are you sure wouldn't Niklaus like it that I'm drinking" stiles looked a little worried

"he doesn't have to know" Derek said making stiles less worried "then sure I'll try it" stiles said with a smile looking at Derek and then at Ethan "what would you have Ethan" stiles asked "I'll drink the 1890 bourbon" Ethan said looking at the menu "whoa dude are you sure 1890 is a pretty year behind that is like a pretty strong drink" Scott said looking at Ethan

"sure how bad can it taste" Ethan said trying to impress stiles as a waiter walks by "are you ready to order" the waiter said looking at everyone "we are actually going to start with drinks and later we'll decide with the food sir" Ethan said looking at the waiter "I'll have a 1890 bourbon" Ethan said "that's the oldest one in the house sir, are you sure?" The waiter asked "yes I'm sure" Ethan said "okay 1890 bourbon it is" the waiter said "what's next" the waiter said writing everything down "I'll have a frozen mango margarita" Derek said looking at stiles then a the waiter "okay frozen mango margarita that will be all" the waiter asked "no we'll have 4 beers please" Scott said "4 beers it is" the waiter asked leaving the table "dude if you drink that you're my hero" Derek said looking at Ethan "why?" Ethan asked Derek "dude 1890 that's really old and really strong" Derek said leaning back on his seat "well I guess It will taste good then" Ethan said looking at stiles ignoring the fact that Derek was talking to him.


After 5 minutes of waiting the drinks where here "one frozen mango margarita, one 1980 bourbon and 4 beers for the lady and the gentlemen" the waiter said putting the stuff on the table "have you decide what to eat" the waiter asked pulling a notebook out "wait aren't you going to drink anything sir" the waiter said looking at stiles "oh I'm not at age" stiles said looking at the waiter "kid don't worry I don't ask for ID" the waiter said "I'll bring you a beer" the waiter said waiting for everyone to order their food "the special today is a extra large pepperoni pizza and the ribs with mashed potato so what would it be" the waiter asked them "the ribs sounds fine" stiles said "one of those for the table" the waiter said "by the way my name is Vernon but you may call me Boyd" the waiter said leaving the table "well to stiles birthday even though is two weeks ahead" Ethan said raising his glass fill with bourbon "to stiles birthday" everyone said at the same time "bottoms up" Ethan said taking a sip of the 1890 bourbon giving a disgusted face "wow this is really strong" Ethan said putting the glass down "told ya" Scott said laughing taking some beer "who should go first me or you" Derek asked stiles grabbing the margarita in his hands "you first" stiles said with a smile "okay if you say so" Derek said taking a sip and putting the margarita in the table "your turn" Derek said pushing the glass forward to stiles "here goes nothing" stiles said taking a sip from the margarita opening his eyes a little and then closing them giving the glass to Derek "too strong and sour" stiles said laughing

"I'll guess I'll have the beer" stiles and Derek laugh and Ethan laugh too "I guess you don't want to try this don't you" Ethan said taking another small sip from his glass "nope, no thank you" stiles said laughing "here you go" Boyd said giving stiles a beer and his girlfriend Erica putting the food on the table "I'm Erica hope you'll enjoy your food" they both said while leaving the table "that's what stiles order for us" Allison and Aden said at the same time "I thought it was small" stiles said looking at the huge plate "well let's dig in" Isaac said grabbing a rib, "can I take another sip Derek" stiles said wanting more knowing that he didn't like it but the flavor was still in his mouth "I thought you didn't like it" Derek said laughing "I didn't but the taste it's still in my mouth" stiles said smiling "okay sure sute yourself" Derek said giving the glass to stiles "thank you" stiles said drinking a little more adapting to the margarita.

After an hour of eating they were all laughing and smiling even Ethan was holding stiles hand under the table of course stiles didn't mind he was drunk "well time for the best part" Derek said so Erica, Boyd and the staff of the restaurant walk to the table with a huge chocolate cake setting the cake in the table "at the count of 3" Erica said smiling "1, 2, 3 happy birthday" Erica Boyd and the staff started singing "happy early birthday stiles" they all said laughing "what the" stiles said smiling and laughing "thanks guys" stiles said looking at his friends "you guys are the best" stiles said smiling.

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