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As the 4 guys arrived at the airport Derek was waking up. when he was fully awake he said "what The Fuck stiles" stiles looked back and said "hey Sourwolf your awake. We are going to California" stiles said turning around "first don't call me Sourwolf, second untie me and third why did you shoot me" Derek said angry and mad trying to break free but couldn't "I shot you just for fun" stiles said sarcastically and walking behind Derek so he can untied him "okay stiles we must get on the plane in 15 minutes" Aden said closing the car. Derek stand up and rubbing his hands "thank you" Derek said angrily "you being nice that's new" stiles smirked "okay let's go"

stiles  commanded Ethan, Aden and Derek to move inside the airport "wait what about my car" Derek said looking back at his car and then to stiles "don't worry it won't be here when we return" stiles said opening a door so they could walked in "so which plane are we taking" Ethan asked "well according to stiles friend we go in a private jet" Aden responded looking for a jet "Nicklaus you son of a bitch" stiles said smirking "let's go I know where we are going" stiles said running towards another place that wasn't where the planes where "where are we going genius the planes are that way" Derek said wanting to strangle stiles "hey private jet" stiles said running.

When they run to the almost end they saw two man with a poster board that said 'dick head this are your pilots' "we're here" stiles stopped and talked to the two guys "California please".

M 1: Are you stiles
Stiles: Yep that's me are we going or what
M 1: then please follow me

Stiles followed the man into a private jet as the others walked behind him "see I told you I knew what I was doing" stiles looked at Derek with a smile "you're just a kid wh-" Derek got caught off by Ethan "you're pretty cool stiles" Ethan said. Aden grabbed Ethan by his arm and pulling him back "really, stiles" Aden said looking at Ethan and then at stiles "hey he's pretty cute and maybe, just maybe I have a little crush nothing to big okay" Ethan said removing his arm from Aden's grip "now let's go they're probably waiting for us" Ethan said running to the airplane as Aden followed behind him.

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